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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくづくり) : キョウ; おし(える)、おそ(わる); teach, faith
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2052 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1493
Japanese Reading English
きょうれん(n) (mil) drill/(P)/
きょうかん(n) teacher/instructor/professor/
きょうたく(n) teacher's desk/
きょうじゅほう (n) teaching methodology/pedagogy/
きょういくしんりがく educational psychology/
きょうしょくかていteacher-training curriculum/
教えるおしえる(v1) to teach/to inform/to instruct/(P)/
きょうじ(n,vs) instruction/teaching/(P)/
きょうざいひ teaching material fees/
きょういくかいかく(n) educational reform/
きょうじょう(n) classroom/
きょういく(adj-no,n,vs) training/education/(P)/
きょうそく(n) rules of teaching/
きょういくさんぎょうeducation-related industries/
きょうようばんぐみeducational channel/
きょういくか (n) educator/teacher/
きょうほん(n) textbook/
教鞭 きょうべん(n) teacher's whip/teaching school/
きょうと(n) believer/adherent/(P)/
きょういくせいど(n) education(al) (a school) system/
きょうてん(n) scriptures/canon/teaching guide/
きょうかいほう canon law/
わるきょういくにたずさわる ひとびとthose who participate in education/
きょうくみん parishioner/
きょうとう(n) deputy head teacher/vice principal/
きょうかしょ (n) text book/(P)/
きょうごいん (n) reform school/juvenile reformatory/
きょうかいし church history/
きょういくかい education world or circles/
きょういくじっしゅうteaching practice/
きょうかいどう (n) church/chapel/
きょうしteacher, instructor
きょういくしょう Department of Education/
きょうけん(n) ecclesiastical or educational authority/
きょうしつ(n) classroom/(P)/
きょういくきほんほう Fundamental Law of Education/
きょうもん(n) study of Buddhist theory/
きょういくひ (n) education or school expenses/
きょうそくぼん (n) manual/practice book/
きょうじゅじん (n) faculty/professorate/group of professors/
きょういくいいんかい Board of Education/
きょうい(n) (abbr) Board of Education/
きょうせきchurch membership/
きょうだん(n) platform/
教え おしえご(n) student/disciple/
きょうしゅうじょ (n) training institute/
きょうようぶ (n) college of liberal arts (general education)/liberal arts school/