敬語 | けいご | (n) honorific/term of respect/(P)/ |
敬老会 | けいろうかい
| (n) meeting to show respect for the
aged/ |
敬老 | けいろう | respect to the old people |
敬遠 | けいえん | (n,vs) keeping at a distance/"kicking upstairs"/giving a
batter an "intentional walk"/(P)/ |
敬老の日 | けいろうのひ
| Respect-for-the-Aged Day Holiday (Sep
15)/ |
敬礼 | けいれい | (n,vs) salute/ |
体 | けいたい | (n) (gram) distal style/ |
敬意 | けいい | (n) respect/honour/(P)/ |
敬白 | けいはく | (int,n) Yours sincerely/ |
敬う | うやまう | (v5u) to show respect/to honour/(P)/ |
敬神 | けいしん | (n) piety/reverence/ |
敬具 | けいぐ | (int,n) Sincerely yours/(P)/ |
敬老 | けいろう | (n) respect for the aged/(P)/ |
敬い | うやまい | (n)
reverence/respect/honor/veneration/esteem/ |
敬慕 | けいぼ | (n) love and respect/(P)/ |
敬老の日 | けいろうのひ
| Respect-for-the-Aged Day (Sep 15) |
敬服 | けいふく | (n,vs) (having great) admiration for/ |
敬称 | けいしょう | (n) title of honour/ |
敬愛 | けいあい | (n) respect and affection/ |
敬虔 | けいけん | (adj-na,n) pious/devout/modest/ |