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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくづくり) : スウ、ス、サク、ソク; かず、かぞ(える); number
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2057 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1790
Japanese Reading English
かずおおく(n) in great numbers/(P)/
すうばいseveral times (as large, over)/
数にれるかずにいれる(v1) to count/to include in the number/
すうがくてき mathematical/
数えげるかぞえあげる(v1) to count up/to enumerate/
すうりてつがく(n) mathematical philosophy/
すうき(adj-na,n) checkered/varied/misfortune/
すうがく(n) mathematics/arithmetic/(P)/
すうちかいせき(n) numerical analysis/
すうちせいぎょnumerical control/NC/
すうかい(n) few (several) times/
数えるかぞえる(v1) to count/(P)/
すうにん(n) several people/
すう(n,n-suf) number/figure/(P)/
数数かずかず(n-adv,n) many/
すうこ(n) several (objects)/
すうじ(n) numeral/figure/(P)/
すうめい(n) several people/
すき(n) refined taste/elegant pursuits/
すうち(n) numerical value/(P)/
すうけんseveral houses/
じゅずいちれんa rosary/a string of beads/
すうりょう(n) quantity/volume/(P)/
すうじゅう(n) dozens/scores of/decades/
あまた(adj-na,adv,n) many/a lot/much/multitude/
ればすうじかんすればin a few hours/
すきや (n) tea-ceremony arbor/
すうちもくひょうtarget value/target amount/
すうりろんりがく symbolic logic/mathematical logic/
すうしき(n) numerical formula/
数ケすうかげつseveral months/
すうとう(n-adv) by far/
数の かずのこ(n) herring roe/
すうりげんごがく mathematical linguistics/
じゅずだま (n) (botanical) Job's tears/
すうせきseveral (boats)/(P)/
すうじつかん several day period/
すうどseveral times/
数を揃 えるかずをそろえる(exp) to make up the number/to have a complete set of/
すうまんtens of thousands/
じゅず(n) (Buddhist) rosary/string of beads/(P)/
かず(n,n-suf) number/figure/(P)/
すきや (n) tea-ceremony arbor/
すうさつseveral volumes (books)/
数キロのすうキロのあいだfor several kilometers/
すうせきのふね several boats/(P)/
すうちけいさんnumeric operation/numeric calculation/