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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくづくり) : セイ; ととの(える)、ととの(う); put in order
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2436 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2871
Japanese Reading English
せいけい(n) orthopedics/
せいこつし (n) osteopath/
整うととのう(v5u) to be prepared/to be in order/to be put in order/to be arranged/(P)/
せいりばんごうreference number/
せいけいき warping machine/
せいち(n) soil preparation/
せいすうろん (n) theory of numbers/number theory/
せいけいしゅじゅつorthopedic or plastic surgery/
せいせい(adj-no,n) symmetrical/
せいしき(n) an integral expression/
せいぜんと(adv) tidily/in good order/in an orderly manner/
せいよう(n) straighten one's posture/
整ったととのったwell-ordered/in good order/well-featured/well-regulated/
調せいちょう(n) tune up/head oarsman/
せいびこうじょう(n) repair shop/garage/
せいごう(n) adjustment/coordination/integration/conformity/
たるせいぜんたる(adj-t) systematic/orderly/
せいちょうmedicine for internal disorders/
せいはつざい (n) hairdressing/
せいびこう (n) (car) mechanic/
せいはつ(n) hairdressing/
せいりゅう(n,vs) rectification/
せいすう(n) integer/(P)/
せいぜん(adj-na,n) orderly/regular/well-organized/trim/accurate/
整えるととのえる(v1) to put in order/to get ready/to arrange/to adjust/(P)/
せいふく(n) reposition/
せいけいげか(n) orthopaedic surgery/plastic surgery/(P)/
せいり(n,vs) sorting/arrangement/adjustment/regulation/(P)/
せいび(n,vs) adjustment/completion/consolidation/(P)/
せいすうひ (n) (expressed as) the ratios of whole numbers/
せいりゅうき (n) rectifier/
整頓せいとん(n,vs) orderliness/put in order/tidying up/arranging neatly/(P)/
せいこつ(n) bonesetting/
せいりけん numbered ticket/
せいれつ(n,vs) stand in a row/form a line/(P)/
せいじょ(n) exact division/
せいごうせい integrity/consistency/
せいりぶ copyreading department/
せいはん(n) plate-making/
せいはつりょう (n) hairdressing fee/charge for a haircut/
せいりゅうし (n) commutator/