敵勢 | てきぜい | (n) enemy's strength or fighting power/ |
敵 | かたき | (n) enemy/rival/(P)/ |
敵弾 | てきだん | (n) enemy bullet/ |
敵に付く | てきにつく | (exp) to take the side of the enemy/ |
敵に捕らわれる | てきにとらわれる | (exp) to be caught by the enemy/ |
敵の勢 | てきのぜい | enemys strength (forces)/ |
敵国 | てっこく | (n) enemy nation/ |
敵を討つ | てきをうつ | (exp) to quell the enemy/ |
敵側 | てきがわ | enemys side/ |
敵飛 | てきひ | opponents hisha/ |
に掛かる | てきにかかる | (exp) to assail the enemy/ |
敵塁 | てきるい | (n) enemy fortress/(P)/ |
敵手 | てきしゅ | (n) rival/enemy/ |
艦を沈める | てきかんをしずめる
| (exp) to sink an enemy ship/ |
敵う | かなう | (v5u) to match/ |
状 | てきじょう | (n) enemy movements/enemy's position/ |
敵を斃す | てきをたおす | (exp) to kill one's enemy (opponent)/ |
敵意 | てきい | (n) hostility/animosity/(P)/ |
敵討ち | かたきうち | (n) revenge/ |
敵機 | てっき | (n) enemy plane/ |
軍 | てきぐん | (n) enemy army/(P)/ |
敵情 | てきじょう | (n) enemy movements/enemy's position/ |
敵わない | かなわない | (exp) (1) no match for/(2) unbearable/(3) unable/can't
do/ |
敵勢 | てきせい | (n) enemy's strength or fighting power/ |
敵方 | てきがた | (n) hostile party/enemy side/ |
敵中 | てきちゅう | (n) in the midst of the enemy/ |
敵視 | てきし | (n,vs) looking on (somebody) as hostile/ |
敵前 | てきぜん | (n) in the presence of the enemy/ |
敵を破る | てきをやぶる | (exp) to defeat one's enemy/ |
敵 | てき | (n) enemy/rival/(P)/ |
敵襲 | てきしゅう | (n) enemy attack or raid/ |
敵役 | かたきやく | (n) role of the villain/the bad guy/ |
敵愾心 | てきがいしん | (n) hostility/enmity/ |
敵前逃亡 | てきぜんとうぼう | deserting under enemy fire/ |
敵役 | てきやく | (n) role of the villain/the bad guy/ |
敵本主義 | てきほんしゅぎ | diversionary tactics/concealing one's true motives until
the last moment/ |
敵歩 | てきふ | opponents pawn/ |
性 | てきせい | (n) inimical character/ |
敵王 | てきおう | opponents king (in shogi)/ |
敵を威す | てきをおどす | (exp) to threaten the enemy/ |
敵営 | てきえい | (n) enemy camp/ |
対 | てきたい | (n) hostility/antagonism/opposition/(P)/ |
敵と戦う | てきとたたかう | to fight one's enemy/ |
敵性国家 | てきせいこっか | hostile nation/ |
地 | てきち | (n) enemy territory/hostile place/ |
敵の攻撃を退ける | てきのこうげきをしりぞける | (exp) to beat off an attack by the enemy/ |
敵艦隊 | てきかんたい
| enemy fleet/ |
敵の堅を破る | てきのけんをやぶる
| (exp) to break the strong defenses of the
enemy/ |
敵失 | てきしつ | (n) error made by the enemy or opposing
team/ |
敵国 | てきこく | (n) enemy nation/ |