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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくづくり) : テキ; かたき; enemy
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2060 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1864
Japanese Reading English
てきぜい(n) enemy's strength or fighting power/
かたき(n) enemy/rival/(P)/
てきだん(n) enemy bullet/
敵にてきにつく(exp) to take the side of the enemy/
敵にらわれるてきにとらわれる(exp) to be caught by the enemy/
敵のてきのぜいenemys strength (forces)/
てっこく(n) enemy nation/
敵をてきをうつ(exp) to quell the enemy/
てきがわenemys side/
てきひopponents hisha/
敵 にかるてきにかかる(exp) to assail the enemy/
てきるい(n) enemy fortress/(P)/
てきしゅ(n) rival/enemy/
めるてきかんをしずめる (exp) to sink an enemy ship/
敵うかなう(v5u) to match/
てきじょう(n) enemy movements/enemy's position/
敵を斃すてきをたおす(exp) to kill one's enemy (opponent)/
てきい(n) hostility/animosity/(P)/
かたきうち(n) revenge/
てっき(n) enemy plane/
てきぐん(n) enemy army/(P)/
てきじょう(n) enemy movements/enemy's position/
敵わないかなわない(exp) (1) no match for/(2) unbearable/(3) unable/can't do/
てきせい(n) enemy's strength or fighting power/
てきがた(n) hostile party/enemy side/
てきちゅう(n) in the midst of the enemy/
てきし(n,vs) looking on (somebody) as hostile/
てきぜん(n) in the presence of the enemy/
敵をてきをやぶる(exp) to defeat one's enemy/
てき(n) enemy/rival/(P)/
てきしゅう(n) enemy attack or raid/
かたきやく(n) role of the villain/the bad guy/
敵愾てきがいしん(n) hostility/enmity/
てきぜんとうぼうdeserting under enemy fire/
てきやく(n) role of the villain/the bad guy/
てきほんしゅぎdiversionary tactics/concealing one's true motives until the last moment/
てきふopponents pawn/
てきせい(n) inimical character/
てきおうopponents king (in shogi)/
敵をてきをおどす(exp) to threaten the enemy/
てきえい(n) enemy camp/
てきたい(n) hostility/antagonism/opposition/(P)/
敵とてきとたたかうto fight one's enemy/
てきせいこっかhostile nation/
てきち(n) enemy territory/hostile place/
敵の退けるてきのこうげきをしりぞける(exp) to beat off an attack by the enemy/
てきかんたい enemy fleet/
敵のてきのけんをやぶる (exp) to break the strong defenses of the enemy/
てきしつ(n) error made by the enemy or opposing team/
てきこく(n) enemy nation/