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Kanji: Radical: (ぶん) : ブン、モン; ふみ; writings
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2064 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1962
Japanese Reading English
ぶんごぶん(n) literary language/
ぶんじんぼっかく(n) writers and artists/
ふばこ(n) box to hold letters/
ぶんかだいかくめい (n) (China's) Cultural Revolution (1966-76)/
ぶんみんとうせいcivilian control/
ぶんかけい (n) literary group/
ぶんがくし (n) literary history/history of literature/(P)/
もじふごうけい character coding system/
ぶんげいがく (n) study or science of literature/a liberal arts department/
ぶんきょうちくschool zone/
文をぶんをねる(exp) to polish one's style/
文苑ぶねんanthology/literary world/collection of literary masterpieces/
ぶんり(n) literature and science/context/(line of) reasoning/
ぶんせき(n) responsibility for wording of an article/
ぶんかし (n) cultural history/
ぶんしょう(n) sentence/article/(P)/
文旦ぶんたん(n) shaddock/pomelo/
ぶんかけん cultural sphere/
ぶんれい(n) sample sentence/
ぶんかこうりゅうcultural exchange/
ぶんじ(n) civil administration/
もんぶ(n) (abbr) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/
ぶんがく(n) literature/(P)/
ぶんめいしゃかいcivilized society/
もじどおり (n-adv) literally/(P)/
ぶんきょうのふ fountainhead of culture/Ministry of Education/
ぶんがくさくひんliterary work/
ぶんぽうてき grammatical/
ぶんじんが (n) style of Southern Chinese painting/
ぶんぼうぐ stationery
ぶんぽう(n) grammar/(P)/
もんじゅさま Boddhisattva/
じるぶんがくをろんじる (exp) to discuss literature/
文をてるぶんをくみたてる (exp) to construct a sentence/
もんもう(n) illiteracy/(P)/
ふみ(n) letter/writings/(P)/
ぶんかてき (adj-na) cultural/(P)/
ぶんめいかん the Bunmeikan Theater/
ぶんさい(n) literary talent/
ぶんちん(n) paperweight/
ぶんかのひ Culture Day (Nov 3)
文藝ぶんげいしゅんじゅう name of publishing company/
もじふごうかほうcharacter encoding scheme/
ぶんしょうろん (n) syntax/
ぶんご(n) written language/literary language/(P)/
ぶんちゅう(n) in the document/
ぶん(n) sentence/(P)/
ぶんせつ(n) paragraph/phrase/
ぶんかこっかcountry with a high level of culture/
ぶんかざい (n) cultural assets/cultural property/(P)/