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Kanji: Radical: (とます) : リョウ; ; fee, materials
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3468 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1292
Japanese Reading English
りょうりにん (n) cook/chef/
りょうてい(n) (Japanese) restaurant/(P)/
りょうりcooking, cuisine, food
りょうりきょうしつ(n) cooking class/cookery school/
りょうきんひょう (n) list or table of charges/tariff/price list/
りょうきんa fee, a charge
りょうち(n) preserve (of land)/
りょうりほう recipe/
りょうりつ(n) tariff/rates/
りょうきんしょ (n) tollgate/toll booth/
りょうりや (n) restaurant/
りょうきん(n) fee/charge/fare/(P)/
りょうし(n) writing paper/
便りょうきんべつのうゆうびんpostpaid mail/
りょうけん(n) (1) idea/thought/intention/design/inclination/decision/(2) motive/(3) discretion/(4) forgiveness/toleration/
りょうりばん (n) a cook/
りょうきんじょ (n) tollgate/toll booth/
りょうり(n,vs) cooking/cookery/cuisine/(P)/
りょうりのたねをしこ む(exp) to prepare for cooking/
りょうりてん restaurant/
りょう(n,n-suf) material/charge/rate/fee/(P)/
りょうりどうぐcookware/cooking gear/