施行 | せぎょう | (n,vs) (1) giving alms/giving food to the poor or
monks/ |
施条 | しじょう | rifling a gun barrel/making lines/ |
施物 | せもつ | (n) alms/ |
施米 | せまい | (n) rice given in charity/donating rice/ |
施し | ほどこし | (n) charity/ |
施錠 | せじょう | (n,vs) locking/ |
行 | しこう | (n,vs) (1) execution/enforcing/carrying
out/(P)/ |
施薬 | せやく | (n) (dispensation of) free medicine/ |
施政方針 | しせいほうしん | administrative policy/ |
施設 | しせつ | (n) institution/establishment/facility/(army)
engineer/(P)/ |
施肥 | せひ | (n,vs) manuring/fertilization/ |
施行 | せこう | (n,vs) (1) execution/enforcing/carrying
out/ |
施政 | しせい | (n)
government/administration/statesmanship/(P)/ |
施し物 | ほどこしもの | (n) alms/ |
施工 | しこう | (n,vs) execution (building contract)/carrying
out/ |
施行規則 | しこうきそく | (n) enforcement regulations/ |
施す | ほどこす | (v5s) to donate/to give/to conduct/to apply/to
perform/(P)/ |
施主 | せしゅ | (n) chief mourner/donor/benefactor/ |
施工 | せこう | (n,vs) execution (building contract)/carrying
out/ |
施餓鬼 | せがき
| (n) (Buddhism) service for the benefit of
suffering spirits/ |
施療 | せりょう | (n) free medical treatment/gratuitous
treatment/(P)/ |
施策 | しさく | (n) policy/measure/ |
施術 | しじゅつ | (n) (surgical) operation/ |
施設 | しせつ | institution, facility |
施行 | しぎょう | (n,vs) (1) execution/enforcing/carrying out/ |