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Kanji: Radical: (かた) : セン; ; go around
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2091 Index in Halpern dictionary: 957
Japanese Reading English
せんばん(n) lathe/
つむじかぜ(n) whirlwind/sensation/
せんかい(n) revolution/rotation/turning/(P)/
つむじ(n) a whorl of hair on the (back of the) head/
がりつむじまがり (adj-na,n) perversity/cantankerous/eccentric/
せんもう(n) a whorl of hair on the (back of the) head/
せんぷう(n) whirlwind/sensation/(P)/
せんてん(n) revolution/gyration/whirling/rotation/
せんばんこう a lathe operator/
旋廻 せんかい(n) rotation/revolution/swiveling/circling/
せんりつ(n) melody/(P)/
せんこうぶんせきpolarimetric analysis/
せんさくturning (on a lathe)/
せんこうかく angle of rotation/
せんこうせい (n) optical rotation/optical rotatory/rotatory/
せんかいうんどう(n) gyrating (rotating) movement/