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Kanji: Radical: (むにょう) : ; すで(に); already
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3887 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1166
Japanese Reading English
きほう(n) previous report/(P)/
きやくひょうげんirreducible representation (math)/
きおうしょう (n) medical history/anamnesis/(P)/
きおう(n) the past/
きけつ(n) decided/determined/settled/
きじゅつ(n) previously mentioned or described/aforesaid/
きしゅう(n) already learned/
きせいがいねん(n) stereotype/preconceived idea/
きそん(adj-no,n) existing/
きさい(adj-no,n) paid up/already settled/
きせいじじつestablished fact/(P)/
きやくぶんすうirreducible fraction/
きせい(adj-no,n) established/completed/existing/(P)/
きぼう(n) (by the lunar calendar) 16th night of the month/
きとくけん (n) vested rights/
きこん(adj-no,n) marriage/married/(P)/
きかん(adj-no,n) already published/
きていち default value/
きしかん deja vu/
きとく(n) vested/already acquired/
きこんだんせいmarried man/
きけつしゅう (n) a convict/convicted prisoner/
きはっぴょう (adj-no) already published/
きせつ(n) established/existing/
きこんしゃ married person/
きち(adj-na,n) already known/well-known/
きおうれき case or medical history/
きせつせん lines in operation/
きせいひん (n) ready-made goods/
既のすんでのところでalmost/very nearly/
きすい(n) (deed) already committed or perpetrated/
きやく(adj-na,n) irreducible/
きちすう (n) (mathematical) known quantity/
きせいのじじつestablished fact/(P)/
既にすでに(adv) already/too late/(P)/
既のすんでのことに(adv) almost/very nearly/
きせいふく (n) ready-made clothes/(P)/
きてい(n) default/established/
きせい(n) ready-made/(P)/