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Kanji: Radical: () : キュウ; ; former
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 94 Index in Halpern dictionary: 14
Japanese Reading English
きゅうさい(n) old debt/
きゅうぐんじん ex-soldier/
きゅうしゅう(n) old customs/
きゅうさく(n) one's old publication/
きゅうせい(n) one's former (maiden) name/(P)/
きゅうじたい old character form/
きゅうせっきじだい (n) Old Stone Age/paleolithic/
旧痾きゅうあ(n) persistent disease/
きゅうふformer wife/
きゅうきょ(n) former residence/
使きゅうかなづかい(n) former (i.e. before the post-WWII reforms) kana usage in writing the yomikata of kanji/
きゅうしん(n) old retainer/
きゅうこんold grudge/
きゅうぎtraditional ceremony/
きゅうきょう(n) (Roman) Catholicism/
旧套きゅうとう(n) conventionalism/old style/
きゅうしょうancient laws/
きゅうしそう old-fashioned idea/
きゅうせいformer manufacture/former make/
きゅうこくancient nation/
きゅうしんやくぜんしょ Old and New Testaments/
きゅうき(n) old chronicle/old record/
きゅうかぶ(n) old stock (in a firm)/
旧蹟きゅうせき(n) historic ruins/historic spot/
きゅうてきold enemy/
旧怨 きゅうえん(n) old grudge/
きゅうと(n) the old capital/
きゅうらい(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) traditional/from ancient times/formerly/
ふるとし(n-adv,n-t) the old year/last year/
きゅうえん(n) old relationship/old acquaintance/
旧趾きゅうしruins/historic site/
きゅうしゅ(n) former lord/
きゅうげき(n) classical drama/
きゅうたいせい (n) old regime/
きゅうあく(n) past misdeeds/old crimes/(P)/
きゅうたく(n) former residence/
きゅうへい(adj-na,n) old-fashioned/conservatism/standing evil/the old school/antiquated/(P)/
きゅうばん(n) old edition/
きゅうねんまつ end of last year/
旧墟きゅうきょruins remains/
きゅうしき(adj-na,n) old type/old style/(P)/
きゅうさいformer wife/
きゅうは(n) the old school/
きゅうり(n) home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native place/one's old home/
きゅうぼん(n) Bon festival of lunar calendar/
きゅうかん(n) back number/old edition/
きゅうせつ(n) old theory/ancient ideas/
きゅうれき(n) old lunar calendar/(P)/
きゅう(n,pref) ex-/(P)/
きゅうめい(n) former name/maiden name/