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Kanji: Radical: () : ; とき; time
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2126 Index in Halpern dictionary: 924
Japanese Reading English
じだい(n-t) period/epoch/era/(P)/
時にはときには(adv,exp) at times/occasionally/(P)/
じき(n-adv,n-t) seasons/
ってじりゅうにのっておよぐ(exp) to swim with the current/
ときおり(n-adv) sometimes/(P)/
じぎ(n) the right time/season's greetings/(P)/
じかんきゅう (n) hourly pay/hourly wage/
じだいとともにあゆむ(exp) to move along with the times/
じほうtime signal
じきゅう(n) hourly pay/hourly wage/(P)/
じぶんどき(n) mealtime/
じこく(n-adv,n-t) instant/time/moment/(P)/
とけいだい (n) clock stand/clock tower/
じせいをいきどおる (exp) to be indignant at the times/
じだいこうしょう(n) background research/research into the period/
じこうはずれ unseasonable/
時をときをきざむ(exp) to mark the passage of time/to let (feel) time pass/
じりゅう(n) fashion (current) of the times/general drift of affairs/
じかはっこうpublic offering of new shares at market price/
けるじきにさしかける(v1) to get close to the time/
時おりときおり(n-adv) sometimes/
じだいしょうせつhistorical novel/
ぼけじさぼけ(n) jet-lag/
じさしゅっきんstaggered work hours/
じたん(n) shortening of time/
じだいせいしんspirit of the age/
しけ(n) stormy weather/poor turn-out/recession/
時々ときどき(adv,n) sometimes/(P)/
じき(n-adv,n-t) time/season/period/(P)/
じかんをかせぐ (exp) to gain time/
じしょう(n) (ship's) time bell/
じせつがらのおくりもの seasonable gift/
じくう(n) space-time/
じそう(n) (gram) tense/
じこう(n) fad/fashion/
じげんばくだんtime bomb/
じだいもの (n) antiques/period dramas/
ってじせいにともなって in step with the times/
じきがはやい before scheduled/earlier than expected/
じかんじく time axis/
とけいwatch, clock
じへい(n) evils of the times/
時時じじこっこく (adv) from one minute to the next/from hour to hour/
じせつがら (n-adv,n) in these times/
じこくひょう timetable
じこくひょう (n) table/diagram/chart/timetable/schedule/
しける(v1) (uk) to be stormy or choppy (sea)/to go through hard times/
しぐれ(n) drizzle/shower in late autumn or early winter/(P)/
じだいかんかくtrend of the times/