晴れる | はれる | (v1) to be sunny/to clear away/to stop
raining/(P)/ |
晴夜 | せいや | (n) clear night/ |
れ上がる | はれあがる | (v5r) to clear up/ |
晴れ着 | はれぎ | (n) Sunday best (clothes)/ |
晴天続き | せいてんつづき
| spell of fine weather/ |
晴れ間 | はれま | (n) a break (in the rainy season)/ |
晴朗 | せいろう | (adj-na,n) clear/fair/fine/serene/ |
晴雨計 | せいうけい
| (n) barometer/ |
晴嵐 | せいらん | (n) mountain vapor/ |
晴れ | はれ | (n) clear weather/(P)/ |
晴着 | はれぎ | (n) Sunday best (clothes)/ |
晴れの日 | はれのひ | formal occasion/fine day/ |
晴れやかな笑顔 | はれやかなえがお
| beaming smile/ |
晴耕雨読 | せいこううどく | (n) working in the field in fine weather and reading at
home in rainy weather/living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and
intellectual pursuits/ |
晴らす | はらす | (v5s) to dispel/to
clear away/to refresh (oneself)/(P)/ |
渡る | はれわたる | (v5r) to clear up/to be refreshed/ |
晴れ舞台 | はれぶたい
| gala occasion/ |
晴れた空 | はれたそら | clear (cloudless) sky/ |
晴天 | せいてん | (n) fine weather/(P)/ |
晴れ | はれ | sunny weather |
晴一時小雨 | はれいちじこさめ
| clear, with brief light rain/ |
晴眼者 | せいがんしゃ
| sighted person/ |
晴天 | せいてん | fine weather |
晴れ姿 | はれすがた | (n) appearing in one's finest clothes/appearing in one's
hour of triumph/ |
晴天乱気流 | せいてんらんきりゅう
| (n) clear-air turbulence/ |
晴れ晴れしい | はればれしい | (adj) clear/splendid/ |
晴後雨 | はれのちあめ
| clear then rain/ |
晴れ着姿 | はれぎすがた
| dressed up (in fine clothes)/ |
晴れ晴れ | はればれ | (adv,n) bright/cheerful/ |
晴雨 | せいう | (n) (clear or rainy) weather/ |
晴れる | はれる | clear, be fine |
曇 | せいどん | (n) fine weather and cloudy/(P)/ |