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Kanji: Radical: (ひらび) : コウ; さら、ふ(ける)、ふ(かす); renovation
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 42 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3541
Japanese Reading English
こうし(n) renewal/reform/
更かすふかす(v5s) to sit up late/(P)/
こうせい(n,vs) rehabilitation/regeneration/rebirth/resuscitation/reorganization/(P)/
こうせいしせつrehabilitation facilities/halfway house/
さらち(n) empty lot/
こうせいひん recycled goods/
ころもがえ(n,vs) (1) change of dress/seasonal changing of clothes/
更々さらさら(adv) (not) at all/
こうてい(n) revision/
更々ない さらさらないnot in the least/
こうねんき (n) menopause/change of life/(P)/
こうせい(n) correction/revision/rectification/
こうしん(n,vs) renewal/update/innovation/renovation/
こうねんきしょうがい (n) menopausal disorders/
こういsecond accession of the same emperor/
こういしつ locker room
こうてつchange, reshuffle
更更さらさら(adv) (not) at all/
更更ないさらさらないnot in the least/
更紗さらさ(pt:) (n) cotton print (pt: saraca)/calico/
更なりさらなりof course/
こうい(n,vs) (1) change of dress/seasonal changing of clothes/(2) lady court attendant/second lunar month/
こうたい(n,vs) exchange (something)/
こうせいがいしゃcompany needing reorganization/
更にさらに(adv,conj) (uk) furthermore/again/after all/more and more/moreover/(P)/
更けるふける(v1) to get late/to advance/to wear on/(P)/
こうかい(n) renewal/renovation/reform/
更にめるさらにいっぽをすすめる(exp) to go a step further/
こういしつ (n) locker room/changing room/dressing room/(P)/
こうてつ(n) change/shake-up/reshuffle/exchanging places/(P)/
こうせいき change of life/menopause/