替え芯 | かえしん | (n) spare lead/ |
玉 | かえだま | (n) substitute/double/ |
替え刃 | かえば | (n) spare or new razor blade/ |
替え着 | かえぎ | (n) change of or spare clothing/ |
替わり狂言 | かわりきょうげん
| (n) upcoming program/ |
替え心 | かえしん | (n) spare lead/ |
歌 | かえうた | (n) parody (of a song)/ |
替え歌 | かえうた | (n) parody (of a song)/ |
替わり | かわり | (n) a turn (i.e. at bat)/a replacement/ |
替え地 | かえち | (n) substitute land or lot/ |
替え | かえ | (n) change/alteration/substitute/ |
替わる | かわる | (v5r,vi) to take the place of/to relieve/to be
substituted for/to be exchanged/to change places with/to take turns/to be
replaced/(P)/ |
替える | かえる | (v1) to exchange/to
interchange/to substitute/to replace/(P)/ |