朝敵 | ちょうてき | (n) an enemy of the court/traitor/ |
朝潮 | あさしお | (n) the morning tide/ |
朝明け | あさあけ | (n) dawn/daybreak/ |
朝間 | あさま | (n) during the morning/ |
朝鮮戦争 | ちょうせんせんそう | (n) Korean war/ |
朝な | あさなあさな | (adv,n) every morning/ |
朝飯 | あさはん | (n) breakfast/ |
ら | あさっぱら | (n) in
the early morning/ |
朝飯 | あさめし | (n) breakfast/(P)/ |
朝令暮改 | ちょうれいぼかい | (n) an unsettled course of action/(orders or laws) being
revised often with no guiding principles/ |
朝 | あさ | morning |
朝廷 | ちょうてい | (n) Imperial Court/ |
朝露 | あさつゆ | (n) morning dew/(P)/ |
朝御飯 | あさごはん
| (n) breakfast/(P)/ |
朝 | あさ | (n-adv,n-t) morning/(P)/ |
朝酒 | あさざけ | (n) a morning drink (of sake)/ |
朝シャン | あさシャン | (vs) shampooing in the morning/ |
朝ご飯 | あさごはん | (n) breakfast/(P)/ |
朝鮮語 | ちょうせんご
| (n) Korean language/ |
朝夕 | あさゆう | (n-adv,n-t) morning and evening/from morning until
night/constantly/ |
朝市 | あさいち | (n) morning market/ |
朝鮮 | ちょうせん | Korea/(P)/ |
朝日影 | あさひかげ
| (n) morning sunlight/ |
朝霧 | あさぎり | (n) morning fog/(P)/ |
朝食 | ちょうしょく | breakfast |
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 | ちょうせんみんしゅしゅ
ぎじんみんきょうわこく | People's Democratic Republic of
Korea (North Korea)/ |
朝寝 | あさね | (n) sleeping late in the morning/ |
朝御飯 | あさごはん
| breakfast |
朝来 | ちょうらい | (adv,n) ever since morning/ |
朝政 | ちょうせい | (n) government by the imperial court/ |
朝鮮半島 | ちょうせんはんとう | Korean peninsula/ |
朝夕 | ちょうせき | (n-adv,n-t) morning and evening/from morning until
night/constantly/ |
朝三暮四 | ちょうさんぼし | (n) being preoccupied with immediate (superficial)
differenes without realizing that there are no differences in
substance/ |
朝臣 | ちょうしん | (n) a courtier/ |
恩 | ちょうおん | (n) imperial blessing or favor/ |
朝憲 | ちょうけん | (n) laws of a nation/constitution/ |
朝鮮人参 | ちょうせんにんじん | (n) ginseng/ |
朝立ち | あさだち | (n) erection when waking in the morning/ |
朝露 | ちょうろ | (n) morning dew/ |
曇り | あさぐもり | (n) a cloudy morning/ |
朝帰り | あさがえり | (n) staying out all night and coming home in the
morning/ |
朝晩 | あさばん | (n-adv,n-t) morning and evening/(P)/ |
朝飯前 | あさめしまえ
| (adj-na,exp,n) a trivial matter/a cinch to
do/it's a piece of cake/ |
朝餉 | あさげ | (n)
breakfast/ |
朝鮮半島エネルギー開発機構 | ちょうせんはんとうエネ
ルギーかいはつきこう | Korean Energy Development
Organization (KEDO)/ |
朝家 | ちょうか | (n) the imperial family or household/ |
朝焼け | あさやけ | (n) morning glow/sunrise colors/ |
朝貢 | ちょうこう | (n,vs) bringing tribute/ |
朝凪 | あさなぎ | (n) morning calm (over the ocean)/ |
朝寝坊 | あさねぼう
| (n,vs) oversleeping/late riser/(P)/ |