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Kanji: Radical: () : ; ; not yet
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 179 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3506
Japanese Reading English
みこうち uncultivated land/
みちゃくしゅ (work) not yet started/
みせいり (adj-na,adj-no,n) pending/incomplete/
みかいたくちundeveloped area/
みらい(n) future (life, tense)/(P)/
みらいがた (adj-no) futuristic/
みけいけんしゃinexperienced person/
みめい(n-adv,n-t) early dawn/grey of morning/(P)/
みはらい(n) unpaid/
未だ いまだ(adj-na,adv) (uk) as yet/hitherto/not yet (neg)/
みらいは (n) futurism/
みかいしゃかいa primitive society/
みぜんにふせぐ (v5) to prevent/to take precautions/
みどく(adj-na,n) not yet read/
みじゅくもの green hand/novice/
みしゅうがくじどう preschool child/
未曾みぞう(adj-na,adj-no,n) unprecedented/unheard of/
みかいけつ (adj-na,n) unsettled/pending/unresolved/
みとうさ unexplored/
みのうしゃ (n) person in arrears/(tax) defaulter/
みけってい undecided/
みらいえいごう (n-adv,n-t) eternity/
未だしいまだし(n) something to be desired/
みそしき (n) unorganized/
みしゅうにゅうきんaccounts receivable/
みかん(adj-no,n) unpublished/
みはらいひようaccrued expenses/
みふくいん (adj-no) undemobilized/
みきにゅう blank (book)/
みのう(n) payment default/(P)/
みはったつ undeveloped/
みかんせい (adj-na,adj-no,n) incompletion/incomplete/unfinished/(P)/
みちゃく(n) nonarrival/
みてい(adj-na,n) not yet fixed/undecided/pending/(P)/
みかんこう (adj-no) unpublished/(P)/
みせい(n) uncompleted/unfinished/crude/
ひつじ(n) eighth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ram, 1pm-3pm, south-southwest, June)/(P)/
みもん(n) having not yet heard/
みかい(adj-na,adj-no,n) savage land/backward region/uncivilized/(P)/
みけつこうりゅうdetention pending trial/
みかくてい (n) unsettled/pending/
みはっけん undiscovered/unexplored/
みけつかん (n) detention prison/
みしょぶん unsettled/unfinished/undivided (profits)/
みらいしこうfuture oriented/
みせいねん (n) minority/not of age/
みぜん(n) before it happens/previously/(P)/
みかいたく (n) undeveloped/wild (areas)/
ひつじどしyear of the sheep/
みぜんにbefore anything happens/previously/