本意 | ほんい | (n) one's real intent/motive/hopes/ |
本読み | ほんよみ | (n) good reader/scenario reading/ |
本義 | ほんぎ | (n) true meaning/underlying principle/ |
本朝 | ほんちょう | (n) this land/our country/Imperial Court/ |
本質 | ほんしつ | (n) essence/true nature/reality/(P)/ |
本邸 | ほんてい | (n) principal residence/ |
本腹 | ほんぷく | (n) legitimate (child)/ |
本場 | ほんば | (n) home/habitat/center/best
place/genuine/(P)/ |
本院 | ほんいん | (n) this institution/the main institution/ |
本末転倒 | ほんまつてんとう | (n) failing to properly evaluate the (relative)
importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the
end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ |
本隊 | ほんたい | (n) main body (of an army)/ |
本影 | ほんえい | (n) umbra/ |
| もともと | (adv,n)
originally/by nature/from the start/ |
本紙 | ほんし | (n) this newspaper/ |
本格的 | ほんかくてき
| (adj-na)
full-dress/regular/genuine/earnest/normal/typical/fundamental/real/(P)/ |
本部 | ほんぶ | (n) headquarters/(P)/ |
本格小説 | ほんかくしょうせつ | genuinely attempted novel/ |
本字 | ほんじ | (n) Chinese character/unsimplified (original form of) a
Chinese character/ |
本尊 | ほんぞん | (n) principal image of Buddha/idol/object of
adoration/the man himself/the master of the house/(P)/ |
本を出す | ほんをだす | (exp) to publish a book/ |
本年度 | ほんねんど
| (n) the current fiscal year/ |
本代 | ほんだい | (n) money for books/ |
本番 | ほんばん | (n) the actual performance/without
rehearsal/(P)/ |
本社 | ほんしゃ | (n) head office/main office/headquarters/(P)/ |
本望 | ほんもう | (adj-na,n) long cherished
ambition/satisfaction/ |
本場所 | ほんばしょ
| (n) Japanese wrestling pavilion/ |
本丸 | ほんまる | (n) inner citadel/ |
本家 | ほんけ | (n) head house (family)/birthplace/originator/ |
本省 | ほんしょう | (n) this ministry/the home office/ |
本道 | ほんどう | (n) highway/main road/the right road/ |
本名 | ほんみょう | (n) real name/(P)/ |
本国人 | ほんごくじん
| native/citizen/ |
本金庫 | ほんきんこ
| main depository/ |
本籤 | ほんくじ | (n) first prize in a private lottery/ |
本殿 | ほんでん | (n) main shrine/inner sanctuary/ |
本営 | ほんえい | (n) headquarters/ |
本性 | ほんせい | (n) true character/real nature/ |
本調子 | ほんちょうし
| (n) proper key/keynote/normal
condition/ |
本末顛倒 | ほんまつてんとう
| (n) failing to properly evaluate the (relative)
importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the
end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ |
本体 | ほんたい | (n) substance/real form/object of worship/(P)/ |
本の少し | ほんのすこし | just a little/ |
復 | ほんぷく | (n) complete recovery from illness/ |
本省詰め | ほんしょうずめ
| service at the Head Office/ |
本膳 | ほんぜん | (n) regular dinner/ |
本店 | ほんてん | (n) head office/(P)/ |
本結び | ほんむすび | square knot/ |
本体論 | ほんたいろん
| (n) ontology/ |
本腹 | ほんばら | (n) legitimate (child)/ |
本論 | ほんろん | (n) main discourse/this subject/body (of a
speech)/ |
本俸 | ほんぽう | (n) regular salary/basic salary/full pay/ |