束縛理論 | そくばくりろん | binding theory/ |
縛継承原理 | そくばくけいしょうげんり | binding inheritance principle/BIP/ |
束ねる | たばねる | (v1) to tie up in a bundle/to govern/to manage/to
control/to fold (one's arms)/to administer/(P)/ |
束 | つか | (n) handbreadth/bundle/ |
束ね積む | たばねつむ | (v5) to shock (grain)/ |
束ねる | つかねる | (v1) to tie up in a bundle/to govern/to manage/to
control/to fold (one's arms)/to administer/ |
束の間 | つかのま | (adj-no,n) moment/brief
time/brief/transient/(P)/ |
束柱 | つかばしら | (n) short pillar standing between a beam and roof
ridge/ |
束縛 | そくばく | (n,vs)
restraint/shackles/restriction/confinement/binding/(P)/ |
束脩 | そくしゅう | (n) bundle of dried meat/present to a
teacher/registration fee/ |
束ね | たばね | (n)
bundle/control/management/ |
束縛変項 | そくばくへんこう | bound variable/ |
髪 | そくはつ | (n) Western hairdo/ |
束群 | そくぐん | lattice group/ |
なって | たばになって | in a
group/in a bunch/ |
束 | たば | (n)
bundle/bunch/sheaf/coil/(P)/ |
束帯 | そくたい | (n) old ceremonial court dress/ |