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Kanji: Radical: () : ジョウ; ; article
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1164 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2200
Japanese Reading English
たすじょうけんをみたす (exp) to answer the requirement/
じょうれい(n) regulation/ordinance/
じょうやくかめいこく (n) signatory countries/members of a treaty/
じょうけんはんしゃconditioned response/
じょうやくのていけつconclusion of treaty/(P)/
たすじょうけんをみたす (exp) to answer the requirement/
じょうやく(n) treaty/pact/(P)/
じょうけん(n) conditions/terms/(P)/
じょうこう(n) clause/article/stipulations/(P)/
を呑むじょうけんをのむ(exp) to accept the conditions/
じょうり(n) reason/(P)/
じょうき(n) stipulation/
じょうけんとうそうnegotiation of conditions/
が揃うじょうけんがそろう(exp) to satisfy the requirements/
じょうやくこく a treaty power/
じょうもく(n) article/clause/stipulation/
じょうりせい (n) system of land subdivision in ancient Japan/
条痕じょうこん(n) linear mark/abrasion/scratch/streak/
じょうれい(n) regulations/rules/laws/(P)/
じょうぶん(n) text/provisions (act, treaty)/(P)/
じょうけんつきひょうげんしきconditional expression (programming)/
じょうけんつき conditionally/with conditions attached/
じょうけんぶん conditional statement/
じょうかん(n) stipulation/article/clause/provision/
じょうちゅう(n) tapeworm/