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Kanji: Radical: () : ショウ; まつ; pine
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2212 Index in Halpern dictionary: 864
Japanese Reading English
まつくいむし (n) general term for insects harmful to pine trees/
まつ(n) pine tree/highest (of a three-tier ranking system)/(P)/
まつしたでんこうMatsushita Electric Works/
まつまえずけ Matsumae pickles/
松蝉まつぜみ(n) cicada abundant in late spring/
しょういん(n) (music of) wind through pine trees/
まつかぜ(n) (sound of) the wind through pine trees/
松茸まつたけ(n) matsutake mushroom/
松かさまつかさ(n) pinecone/
松籟 しょうらい(n) (the sound of) the wind through pine trees/
松煤 しょうばいsoot of burnt pine/
まつやに(n) turpentine/
まつすぎ(n) after New Year's Week/
しょうえん(n) soot of burnt pine/ink stick (made from burnt pine)/
松茸まつたけがりmushroom gathering/
しょうろ(n) variety of mushroom/
まつしたでんきMatsushita Electric Industrial/
しょうふう(n) (sound of) the wind through pine trees/
まつばら(n) pine grove/(P)/
松茸まつたけごはん rice cooked with matsutake/
たいまつ(n) (pine) torch/flambeau/torchlight/
しょうちくばい (n) high, middle, and low ranking/
松毬まつかさ(n) pinecone/
まつもとMatsumoto (Japanese surname)
まつばやし(n) pine forest/(P)/
松毬まつぼっくり(n) pinecone/
まつやMatsuya (department store)/
松毬まつぽっくり(n) pinecone/
松の まつのきpine tree/
松毬 まつぼくり(n) pinecone/
まつかざり(n) New Year's pine decorations/
松柏しょうはく(n) pine and cypress/evergreen/dutiful/
まつばづえ(n) crutch(es)/
まつば(n) pine needle/
松 の梢まつのこずえtop of a pine tree/
しょうこんゆ (n) pine oil/
まつかざり(n) New Year's pine decoration/
松濤しょうとう(the sound of) the wind through pine trees/
松毬まつふぐり(n) pinecone/
松笠 まつかさ(n) pine cone/
まつむし(n) pine cricket/
松のまつのうち(n) New Year's Week (festivities)/