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Kanji: Radical: () : ハン、バン; いた; board
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2213 Index in Halpern dictionary: 858
Japanese Reading English
いたばり(n) boarding/wooden floor/
板にいたにつく(exp) to be at home (on the stage)/
いたがね(n) sheet metal/metal plate/
ばんきんこう sheet metal worker/
いたじめ(n) method of making patterns via pressing cloth between carved boards/
板のいたのまかせぎ (n) bathhouse thievery/
ばんしょ(n) writing on a blackboard/
はんがwoodcut print/
いたきれscrap lumber/piece of wood/
はんもんてん Panmunjon/
いたじき(n) wooden floor/
いたご(n) ship plank/
いたかべ(n) wooden wall/
いためがみ (n) (high-quality) paper formed of several sheets pasted together/
いため(n) seam of joined boards/woodgrain/
いたど(n) wooden door/
板 葺きいたぶき(n) shingle roofing/
ばんきんや plumber/
ばんきん(n) sheet metal/metal plate/
はんぎ(n) woodcut/(printing) block/
いたや(n) shingle roof/house with a shingle roof/
いたやがい (n) (bay) scallop/
いた(n) board/plank/(P)/
いたばさみ(exp,n) stuck between a rock and a hard place/
いたまえ(n) chef/cook/
いたべい(n) wooden fence/board fence/(P)/
いたがみ(n) cardboard/
板の いたのま(n) (room with a) wooden floor/
いたがこい(n) boarding/board fence/