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Kanji: Radical: () : セン; そ(める)、そ(まる)、し(みる)、し(み); dye
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2240 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2572
Japanese Reading English
せんしょくたいいじょう chromosomal abnormality/
染めそめこむto dye/
染まる そまる(v5r) to dye/(P)/
染めるそめる(v1) to dye/to colour/(P)/
染めそめ(n) dyeing/printing/
染めそめもよう (n) dyed pattern/
染めげるそめあげる(v1) to finish dyeing/
染めそめだす(v5s) to dye/
染め そめいろ(n) dyed color/
そめいよしの(n) Yoshino cherry tree/
せんぴつ(n) writing/painting/
せんりょう(n) dyes/
そめものや dyer/
せんしょく(n) dyeing and weaving/
染めそめもの(n) dyeing/dyed goods/
染まりそまりぐあい effect of dyeing/
染みるじみる(aux-v,v1) to have a touch of/to look like/
せんしょくたい (n) chromosome/
染めそめいと(n) dyed thread or yarn/
染めそめがた(n) dyed pattern/dyeing stencil/
染めそめつけ(n) dyeing/blue glazed china/
染みるしみる(v1) to pierce/to permeate/(P)/
染みしみでる(v1) to ooze/to exude/to percolate/to soak through/
染みしみこむ(v5m) to soak into/to permeate/
染みをけるしみをつける(exp) to blot/to stain/to smudge/
染めそめわけ(n) dyed in various colors/
染めがりそめあがり(n) being dyed/
染み しみとおる(v5r) to soak through/to be impressed/
染みしみ(n) stain/spot/(P)/
染まりそまりぐあい effect of dyeing/
染みしみとおる(v5) to soak through/to be deeply impressed/
染みしみつく(v5k) to be indelibly stained or ingrained/to be dyed in deeply/
染めけるそめつける(v1) to dye (in patterns)/
染めそめこ(n) dye/
染めそめものや dyer/dye house/
染めそめなおす(v5s) to dye again/
せんしょくこうじょう(n) dye works/
染め そめぬく(v5k) to dye fast/to leave undyed/
染みしみぬき(n) stain removal/
せんぱつ(n) hair dyeing/
せんしょくたいちず map of chromosomes/
染みしみつく(v5k) to be indelibly stained/to be ingrained/
染めけるそめわける(v1) to dye in different colors/
染めそめかえす(v5s) to dye again/
せんしょく(n,vs) staining/stain/dyeing/(P)/
せんぱつざい hair dye/
染みしみわたる(v5r) to penetrate/to pervade/to spread/