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Kanji: Radical: () : シュ; かぶ; stock
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2257 Index in Halpern dictionary: 935
Japanese Reading English
かぶけん(n) stock certificate/(P)/
株ががるかぶがさがる(v5) to fall in public esteem/to fall in value (stocks)/
かぶ(n) share/stock/stump (of tree)/(P)/
株ががるかぶがあがる(v5) to rise in public esteem/to rise in value (stocks)/
かぶしきしじょうstock market/
かぶしきそうばstock market quotation/
かぶきん(n) (money for) stock investment/
かぶぬしけん (n) stockholder's right/
かぶしきとりひきじょ stock exchange/
株をかぶをかう(exp) to buy stock/
かぶしきがいしゃ(n) public company/corporation/(P)/
かぶしきはいとうstock dividend/
かぶか(n) stock prices/
かぶぬしそうかいgeneral meeting of stockholders/(P)/
かぶしきこうかいstock offering (to the public)/
かぶぬし(n) shareholder/stockholder/(P)/
かぶわけ(n,vs) root division/
かぶや(n) stockbroker/
かぶしきはいとうきん stock dividend/
かぶしき(n) stock (company)/(P)/