梅毒 | ばいどく | (n) syphilis/ |
梅酢 | うめず | (n) plum vinegar/(salted) plum juice/ |
梅林 | ばいりん | (n) ume (plum) grove/ |
梅干 | うめぼし | (n) dried plum/(P)/ |
梅の実 | うめのみ | Japanese apricot/ume/ |
梅花 | ばいか | (n) ume (plum) blossoms/ |
梅雨明け | つゆあけ
| (n) the end of the rainy
season/(P)/ |
梅を塩に漬ける | うめをしおにつける
| (exp) to preserve plums in salt/to salt
plums/ |
梅暦 | うめごよみ | (n) plum blossoms (as a harbinger of
spring)/ |
梅園 | ばいえん | (n) plum garden or orchard/ |
梅見 | うめみ | (n) plum-blossom viewing/(P)/ |
梅酒 | うめしゅ | (n) sake with plums/unripe Japanese apricots soaked in
spirits/(P)/ |
梅雨入り | つゆいり
| (n) beginning of the rainy
season/(P)/ |
梅雨前線 | ばいうぜんせん | seasonal rain front/ |
梅雨空 | つゆぞら
| (n) overcast sky in the rainy
season/ |
梅擬き | うめもどき | (n) ilex/ |
梅雨 | つゆ | (n) rainy season/rain during the rainy
season/(P)/ |
梅 | うめ | (n)
plum/plum-tree/lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)/(P)/ |
梅田 | うめだ | town in Osaka (pn) |
梅雨晴れ | つゆばれ
| (n) sunny spell during rainy
season/ |
梅雨 | ばいう | (n) rainy season/rain during the rainy
season/(P)/ |
梅干し | うめぼし | (n) dried plum/(P)/ |
梅雨期 | ばいうき
| rainy season/ |