棄て売り | すてうり | sacrifice sale/ |
児 | すてご | (n) abandoned child/foundling/ |
棄老 | きろう | (n) old person thrown away in the
mountains/ |
棄死 | きし | exposing a corpse in the city/ |
棄世 | きせい | death/ |
棄捐 | きえん | (n)
donation/abandonment/ |
棄権者 | きけんしゃ
| non-voter/ |
棄却 | ききゃく | (n,vs)
rejection/dismissal/abandoning/renunciation/waiver/(P)/ |
棄背 | きはい | giving up and turning back/ |
棄権 | きけん | (n,vs) abstain from voting/renunciation of a
right/(P)/ |
棄言葉 | すてことば
| sharp parting remark/ |
棄子 | すてご | (n) abandoned child/foundling/ |
棄約 | きやく | breaking a promise/ |
棄児 | きじ | (n) abandoned child/foundling/ |
棄損 | きそん | (n) assassination/damage/injury/waste/ |