業界動向 | ぎょうかいどうこう | industry trend/ |
務提携 | ぎょうむていけい | business partnership/ |
業病 | ごうびょう | (n) incurable disease/ |
業績悪化 | ぎょうせきあっか | downturn/ |
業種 | ぎょうしゅ | (n) type of industry/ |
業務妨害 | ぎょうむぼうがい | (n) interference with somebody's duties/ |
業因 | ごういん | (n) karma/ |
業界 | ぎょうかい | (n) industry/business/(P)/ |
業苦 | ごうく | (n) karmic suffering/ |
業が深い | ごうがふかい | be past redemption/be sinful/ |
業果 | ごうか | effects of karma/ |
業腹 | ごうはら | (adj-na,n) spite/resentment/ |
業突張り | ごうつくばり
| (adj-na,n) pigheaded
person/miser/stubbornness/ |
業物 | わざもの | (n) sharp sword/ |
務上過失 | ぎょうむじょうかしつ
| (n) (professional) negligence/ |
業界紙 | ぎょうかいし
| (n) trade journal/ |
業師 | わざし | (n) tricky wrestler/shrewd fellow/ |
業界団体 | ぎょうかいだんたい | industry group/ |
界アナリスト | ぎょうかいアナリスト | industry analyst/ |
業者 | ぎょうしゃ | (n) trader/merchant/(P)/ |
業態 | ぎょうたい | (n) business conditions/ |
業火 | ごうか | (n) hell fire/ |
務 | ぎょうむ | (n) business/affairs/duties/work/ |
業 | ごう | (n) Buddhist karma/actions committed in a former
life/(P)/ |
業を煮やす | ごうをにやす | (exp) to lose one's temper/to be
exasperated/ |
業報 | ごうほう | (n) karma effects/fate/inevitable
retribution/ |
業績 | ぎょうせき | (n)
achievement/performance/results/work/contribution/(P)/ |
業わい | なりわい | making a living from/ |
業界初 | ぎょうかいはつ
| the industry's first .../ |
業 | わざ | (n) deed/act/work/performance/(P)/ |