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Kanji: Radical: () : ギョウ、ゴウ; わざ; industry
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 143 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2612
Japanese Reading English
ぎょうかいどうこうindustry trend/
ぎょうむていけいbusiness partnership/
ごうびょう(n) incurable disease/
ぎょうしゅ(n) type of industry/
ぎょうむぼうがい(n) interference with somebody's duties/
ごういん(n) karma/
ぎょうかい(n) industry/business/(P)/
ごうく(n) karmic suffering/
業がごうがふかいbe past redemption/be sinful/
ごうかeffects of karma/
ごうはら(adj-na,n) spite/resentment/
ごうつくばり (adj-na,n) pigheaded person/miser/stubbornness/
わざもの(n) sharp sword/
ぎょうむじょうかしつ (n) (professional) negligence/
ぎょうかいし (n) trade journal/
わざし(n) tricky wrestler/shrewd fellow/
ぎょうかいだんたいindustry group/
アナリストぎょうかいアナリストindustry analyst/
ぎょうしゃ(n) trader/merchant/(P)/
ぎょうたい(n) business conditions/
ごうか(n) hell fire/
ぎょうむ(n) business/affairs/duties/work/
ごう(n) Buddhist karma/actions committed in a former life/(P)/
業をやすごうをにやす(exp) to lose one's temper/to be exasperated/
ごうほう(n) karma effects/fate/inevitable retribution/
ぎょうせき(n) achievement/performance/results/work/contribution/(P)/
業わいなりわいmaking a living from/
ぎょうかいはつ the industry's first .../
わざ(n) deed/act/work/performance/(P)/