楽界 | がっかい | (n) musical world/ |
楽士 | がくし | (n) musician/bandsman/ |
楽しめる | たのしめる | (v1) to be able to enjoy/ |
楽観的 | らっかんてき
| (adj-na) optimistic/hopeful/(P)/ |
楽屋 | がくや | (n) dressing room/green room/backstage/ |
楽天的 | らくてんてき
| (adj-na,n) optimistic/(P)/ |
楽長 | がくちょう | (n) bandmaster/conductor/ |
楽典 | がくてん | (n) compositional rules/musical grammar/ |
楽想 | がくそう | (n) melodic subject/theme/ |
楽壇 | がくだん | (n) musical world/ |
楽しい思い出 | たのしいおもいで
| happy (sweet) memory/ |
楽しむ | たのしむ | (v5m) to enjoy oneself/(P)/ |
楽章 | がくしょう | (n) (musical) movement/ |
楽音 | がくおん | (n) musical note/ |
楽聖 | がくせい | (n) celebrated musician/ |
楽勝 | らくしょう | (n) easy victory/ |
楽しみ | たのしみ | (adj-na,n) enjoyment/pleasure/(P)/ |
楽しみにする | たのしみにする
| (vs) to look forward to something/ |
楽寝 | らくね | (n) comfortable rest or sleep/ |
楽園 | らくえん | (n) pleasure garden/paradise/(P)/ |
楽に暮らす | らくにくらす | (exp) to live in comfort/ |
楽屋落ち | がくやおち
| (n) shoptalk/matters incomprehensible to
outsiders/ |
楽師 | がくし | (n) master musician/ |
楽譜 | がくふ | (n) score (music)/(P)/ |
楽書き | らくがき | graffiti/ |
| らくに | easily,
with ease, without difficulty |
楽員 | がくいん | (n) bandsman/ |
楽天主義 | らくてんしゅぎ | optimism/ |
楽匠 | がくしょう | (n) celebrated musician/ |
楽才 | がくさい | (n) talent for music/ |
楽隊 | がくたい | (n) band/orchestra/(P)/ |
楽人 | がくじん | (n) musician (esp. Gagaku)/ |
楽器 | がっき | (n) musical instrument/(P)/ |
楽土 | らくど | (n) paradise/ |
楽節 | がくせつ | (n) musical passage or section/ |
楽器店 | がっきてん
| store selling musical instruments/ |
楽楽 | らくらく | (adv) comfortably/easily/ |
楽団 | がくだん | (n) orchestra/band/ |
楽劇 | がくげき | (n) musical play/opera/ |
楽器 | がっき | musical instrument |
楽調 | がくちょう | (n) musical tone/ |
楽しい | たのしい | happy, pleasant, enjoyable |
楽隠居 | らくいんきょ
| (n) comfortable retirement/ |
楽しい | たのしい | (adj) enjoyable/fun/(P)/ |
楽焼き | らくやき | (n) hand-moulded pottery/raku pottery/ |
楽しむ | たのしむ | enjoy, amuse oneself |
楽な | らくな | easy |
楽屋話 | がくやばなし
| (n) inside story/confidential
talk/ |
楽観論 | らっかんろん
| optimism/ |
楽天 | らくてん | (n) optimism/ |