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Kanji: Radical: () : ; はた; machine, opportunity
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2379 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1076
Japanese Reading English
きないしょく (n) inflight meal/
きのうしょうがいfunctional disorder/dysfunction/
きかいか (n) mechanization/(P)/
きかいご (n) machine language/
きじょう(n) aboard an airplane/
きじゅうそうしゃmachine-gun fire/
きこうかいかくreorganization/structural reform/
きちょう(n) pilot/(P)/
きかんじゅう (n) machine gun/(P)/
きてん(n) a quick wit/clever/
きえい(n) sight (signs) of an airplane/
きはんせん (n) motorized sailboat/
きしゅ(n) type of equipment/
きらい(n) (sea) mine/
きのう(n) function/faculty/(P)/
きかい(n) chance/opportunity/(P)/
きぐ(n) (tools and) equipment/
きぎょう(n) weaving or textile industry/
きげんかい (n) fickle/capricious/
きぎょうか textile industrialist/
きかいがく mechanics/
きかんとうしか (n) institutional investor/
はたおりむし (n) grasshopper/
きかいほんやくmachine translation/
きどうたい (n) riot police/(P)/
きかんし (n) bulletin/(party) organ/
きどうせい (n) cavalry/
きみつ(n) secrecy/highly classified information/(P)/
きかいろん (n) (in philosophy) mechanism/
はたおり(n) weaving/weaver/
ねるきげんをそこねる (exp) to displease/to offend/to hurt (a person's) feelings/
きみつひ (n) secret funds/
きうん(n) opportunity/
きのうご keyword/
きこう(n) mechanism/organization/(P)/
きかんちょう (n) chief engineer/
きのうしゅぎ(n) functionalism/
きみつじこう(n) confidential matters/
きかいこうぎょうthe machine industry/
きどう(n) maneuver/
きかん(n) organ/mechanism/facility/engine/(P)/
きかいか (n) course in (of) mechanical engineering/
きどうけいさつmobile police/
きかんしつ (n) engine room/
きこん(n) patience/perseverance/
きどうぶたいmobile troops/mechanized unit/
きかいこうがくmechanical engineering/