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Kanji: Radical: (あくび) : ケツ; か(ける)、か(く); lack
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2412 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1987
Japanese Reading English
けつじょう(n,vs) absence/not taking part/
けっそん(n) deficit/shortage/loss/damage/(P)/
けっか(n,vs) cutting class/absence from school/
けっこう(n) suspension of service/
欠かすかかす(v5s) to miss (doing)/to fail (to do)/
けっきん(n) absence (from work)/
あくび(n) yawn/yawning (and stretching)/(P)/
けっぽん(n) missing volume/
けつれい(n) failure to pay one's compliments/omission of courtesy/
けつごう(n) missing issue (of magazine)/
けっかんしゃ (n) defective car/car with a (structural) defect/
けつぶん(n) missing part (of manuscript)/
けっかんしょうひんdefective merchandise/
欠くかく(v5k) to lack/to break/to crack/to chip/(P)/
欠けかけ(n) fragment/splinter/
けっかく(n) rejection/disqualification/
欠をけつをおぎなう(exp) to bridge a gap/to supply a lack/
欠けたコップかけたコップchipped cup/
けっせきさいばんtrial in absentia/judgment by default/
けっかんをおぎなう (exp) to make up for a fault/
けっこう(n) cancellation of lecture or class/
けついん(n) vacancy/vacant position/(P)/
けってん(n) faults/defect/weakness/(P)/
けっせきとどけ report of a school absence/(P)/
けっぱい(n) suspension of rations or payments/
かけら(n) fragment/broken pieces/splinter/
欠けるかける(v1) to be lacking/(P)/
けんしん(n) yawn/yawning (and stretching)/
けっきんしゃ absentee/
欠けかけめ(n) chip (in a cup)/shortage of weight/
けっしょく(n) missing a meal/
便けつびん(n) flight cancellation/
欠けらかけら(n) fragment/broken pieces/splinter/(P)/
けつじょ(n,vs) lack/privation/deficiency/(P)/
けつぼう(n) want/shortage/famine/(P)/
けっぴん(n) stockout/out of stock/
けっきんとどけ report of an absence/(P)/
けつじょ(vs) lusting/
けっしょくじどうschoolchild without lunch/
けつじ(n) omitted word/blank type/missing letter/
けつぼうしょう (n) (vitamin-)deficiency disease/
けつばん(n) missing number/
欠けてゆくかけてゆくつきwaning moon/
けっかん(n) defect/fault/deficiency/(P)/
けっせきしゃ absentee/
けつらく(n) missing/
けっきんりつ absentee rate/
けっせき(n,vs) absence/non-attendance/(P)/