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Kanji: Radical: (あくび) : シ、ジ; つぎ、つ(ぐ); next
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 638 Index in Halpern dictionary: 54
Japanese Reading English
じしきfollowing equation/
次々につぎつぎに(adv) one by one/one after another/successively/(P)/
じかい(n-adv,n-t) next time (occasion)/(P)/
次の便つぎのびんnext flight/next post/
しだいに(adv) gradually/(P)/
じい(n) second rank/second place/
じしょう(n) second in command/
じぜん(adj-no,n) second best/
次のように つぎのようにin the following manner/as follows/
じしょう(n) following chapter/
次のつぎのごうnext number (issue)/
つぎ(n) next/stage station/stage/subsequent/(P)/
しだい(n-adv,n) order/precedence/circumstances/immediate(ly)/as soon as/dependent upon/(P)/
じせだい (n) next (future) generation/
じあ(pref) hypo (in chemicals)/
じけい(n) second elder brother/
じげん(n) dimension/(P)/
じさんかたんそ carbon suboxide/
次ぐつぐ(v5g) to rank next to/to come after/(P)/
じありゅうさんhyposulfurous acid/
次次につぎつぎに(adv) one by one/one after another/successively/
じだい(n) the next era/
じじょう(n) the next article/the next entry/
じひょうthe following table/
(n-suf) order/sequence/times/next/below/
次のつぎのにちようまで next Sunday/
じちょう(n) vice-/assistant director/vice-director/
じしゅう(n-t) next week/
じてん(n) runner-up/
じごう(n) the next issue/
じぜんさく plan B/alternative plan/
じき(n) next term/next period/
じねんthe next year/
便じびんnext mail/next post/
次のつぎのいって next move/
じじょ(n) second daughter/(P)/
次々つぎつぎ(adv,n) in succession/one by one/
次次つぎつぎ(adv,n) in succession/one by one/
じなんぼう (n) second son/
しだいがき (n) printed program/
次いでついで(adv,conj) next/secondly/subsequently/(P)/
じなん(n) second son/(P)/
じだしゃ the batter on deck/
じねんど next (fiscal) year/
次のつぎのま(n) antechamber/next room/
じじょ(n) order/system/
じかいthe next meeting/