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Kanji: Radical: (あくび) : ; うた、うた(う); song
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2422 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1825
Japanese Reading English
うたざわ(n) type of Japanese music/
歌のうたのみちart of tanka poetry/
歌枕うたまくら(n) oft-repeated descriptive epithets in poetry/
かがく(n) poetry/versification/
かせい(n) great poet/
うたごころ(n) poetic sentiment/
かかく(n) poetry style/poetry rules/
かげきじょう (n) opera house/
うたあわせ(n) poetry contest/
かだい(n) name of poem/
うたよみ(n) tanka composer/
かしゅ(n) singer/(P)/
かよう(n) song/ballad/(P)/
かげき(n) opera/(P)/
うたあわせ(n) poetry contest/
歌いげるうたいあげる(v1) to sing at the top of one's voice/to express one's feelings fully in a poem/
かしゅう(n) anthology/book of poetry/
歌ううたう(v5u) to sing/(P)/
かひ(n) tanka inscription/
かしょ(n) book of poems/
かじん(n) (Japanese) poet/
かふう(n) poetic style/
かぶ(n) singing and dancing/
わせうたあわせ(n) poetry contest/
歌のうたのこころspirit of a poem/true meaning of a poem/
かきょく(n) melody/tune/song/
うた(n) song/poetry/(P)/
うたがっせん (n) singing matches/
かぶき Kabuki (traditional Japanese musical drama)
かしょうりょく (n) one's skill as a singer/
かし(n) song lyrics/words of a song/(P)/
歌いうたいて(n) singer/
稿かこう(n) manuscript of poem/
かだん(n) poetry circles/
うたぐち(n) flute mouthpiece/poetic style/
かようきょく (n) popular song/(P)/
うたごえ(n) singing voice/(P)/
かせん(n) great poet/
かぶきじゅうはちばん(n) repertoire of 18 kabuki plays/
かろん(n) essay on tanka poetry/
うたかいはじめ annual New Year's poetry reading/
歌いうたいあう(v5) to sing responsively/
うたかい(n) poetry party or competition/
うたひめ(n) songstress/(P)/
かきょう(n) mood of a poem/poet's mood when writing/
かしょう(n) song/singing/
かぶき (n) kabuki/Japanese classical drama/(P)/