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Kanji: Radical: (とめる) : ; と(まる)、と(める); stop
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2429 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2941
Japanese Reading English
止まるとどまる(v5r) to be limited to/(P)/
止めとどめ(n) finishing blow/clincher/
しけつざい (n) stopping of bleeding/(P)/
止まりとまりぎ(n) perch/
止みやみがたい(adj) irresistible/
止まりとまり(n) stop/stoppage/end/
止むをないやむをえない(exp) cannot be helped/unavoidable/(P)/
止めどなくとめどなく(adv) endlessly/ceaselessly/(P)/
止めとめだて(n) restrain (someone)/restraint/
止まれとまれstop sign/
とまりぎ(n) perch/barstool/
止めをとどめをさす(exp) to put an end to/to finish by a stab in the neck/
止りとまりぎ(n) perch/barstool/
止むをやむをえず(adv) unavoidably/inevitably/necessarily/against one's will/
宿ししゅく(n,vs) lodging/putting up/
しおんき (piano) damper/
止めとめがね(iK) (n) clasp/snap fastener/
しけつ(n,vs) stop bleeding/hemostasis/
しかん(n) giving up illusions and attaining enlightenment/
しけつたい tourniquet/
止めとめど(n) end/termination point/
止めになるやめになる(exp) to be given up/to be discontinued/
止めるやめる(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/
止まるとまる(v5r) to come to a halt/(P)/
止めるとめる(v1) to stop (something)/(P)/
止めとめどなく (adv) endlessly/ceaselessly/
しすい(n) stagnant water/still water/
しよう(n) sublation (philosophy)/
止むやむ(v5m,vi) to cease/to stop/to be over/(P)/
止まるとまるstop, cease
止す よす(v5s) to cease/to abolish/to resign/to give up/(P)/
止めるとどめる(v1) to stop/to cease/to put an end to/