止まる | とどまる | (v5r) to be limited to/(P)/ |
止め | とどめ | (n) finishing blow/clincher/ |
止血剤 | しけつざい
| (n) stopping of bleeding/(P)/ |
止まり木 | とまりぎ | (n) perch/ |
止み難い | やみがたい | (adj) irresistible/ |
止まり | とまり | (n) stop/stoppage/end/ |
止める | とめる | stop |
止むを得ない | やむをえない | (exp) cannot be helped/unavoidable/(P)/ |
止めどなく | とめどなく | (adv) endlessly/ceaselessly/(P)/ |
止め立て | とめだて | (n) restrain (someone)/restraint/ |
止まれ | とまれ | stop sign/ |
止木 | とまりぎ | (n) perch/barstool/ |
止めを刺す | とどめをさす | (exp) to put an end to/to finish by a stab in the
neck/ |
止り木 | とまりぎ | (n) perch/barstool/ |
止むを得ず | やむをえず | (adv) unavoidably/inevitably/necessarily/against one's
will/ |
止宿 | ししゅく | (n,vs) lodging/putting up/ |
止音器 | しおんき
| (piano) damper/ |
止め金 | とめがね | (iK) (n) clasp/snap fastener/ |
止血 | しけつ | (n,vs) stop bleeding/hemostasis/ |
止観 | しかん | (n) giving up illusions and attaining
enlightenment/ |
止血帯 | しけつたい
| tourniquet/ |
止め処 | とめど | (n) end/termination point/ |
止めになる | やめになる | (exp) to be given up/to be discontinued/ |
止める | やめる | (v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to
resign/(P)/ |
止まる | とまる | (v5r) to come to a
halt/(P)/ |
止める | とめる | (v1) to stop
(something)/(P)/ |
止め処無く | とめどなく
| (adv) endlessly/ceaselessly/ |
止水 | しすい | (n) stagnant water/still water/ |
止揚 | しよう | (n) sublation (philosophy)/ |
止む | やむ | (v5m,vi) to cease/to stop/to be over/(P)/ |
止まる | とまる | stop, cease |
| よす | (v5s) to
cease/to abolish/to resign/to give up/(P)/ |
止める | とどめる | (v1) to stop/to cease/to put an end to/ |