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Kanji: Radical: (とめる) : レキ; ; history
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 835 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3019
Japanese Reading English
歴歴たるれきれきたる (adj-t) clear/
れきほうのかいせいcalendar reform/
れきしがく (n) study of history/
れきねん(n) calendar year/civil year/time/year after year/
れきししょうせつhistorical novel/
れきゆう(n,vs) touring/
歴歴 れきれき(n) notables/dignitaries/illustrious families/
れきほう(n) round of calls/tour of visitation/
れきしちりhistorical geography/
れきてい(n) a route or passage/
れきしをきざむ (exp) to let (feel) time pass/
れきしか (n) historian/
れきじつ(n) the passing of time/
れきしてき (adj-na) historic/historical/traditional/(P)/
れきぜんと(adv) evident/(P)/
れきせん(n) long military service/
たるれきぜんたる(adj-t) plain/distinct/clear/
れきぜん(adj-na,n) evident/
れきしてつがくhistorical philosophy/
歴々れきれき(n) notables/dignitaries/illustrious families/
れきちょう(n) successive reigns/successive emperors/successive dynasties/
れきしちずhistorical map/atlas/
れきねんれい (n) chronological age/
れきだいし chronicles/annals/
れきし(n) history/(P)/
歴々たるれきれきたる(adj-t) clear/
れきだい(n) successive generations/successive emperors/
かられきしてきけいいか らfor historical reasons/
れきにん(n,vs) successive jobs/consecutive jobs/(P)/
れきし(successive lords) using the same retainers/
れきしがくはhistorical school/
れきらん(n) looking around/
れきしじょう historically/
れきしが (n) historical picture/
れきしsuccessive generations/successive emperors/
れきせいたん (n) bituminous coal/
れきしげき (n) historical drama/
となることれきしとなることa history-making event/
れきしかん (n) historical viewpoint/