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Kanji: Radical: (がつへん) : ; し(ぬ); die
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2439 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3521
Japanese Reading English
死にしにぎわ(n) verge of death/
死になうしにそこなう(v5u) to fail to die/to survive/to outlive/
しじ(n) dead or stillborn child/
死斑しはん(n) postmortem lividity/
しりょく(n) desperate effort/
死にしにしょうぞく (n) burial clothes/clothes worn to commit suicide/
ししゅ(n,vs) defending to the last/defending desperately/
しぼうきじ(n) obituary notice/
死にえるしにたえる(v1) to die out/to become extinct/
しどく(n) ptomaine poisoning/
しぼう(n) death/mortality/(P)/
死にけるしにかける(v1) to be dying/
しれい(n) spirit of a dead person/ghost/departed soul/
しせん(n) point between life and death/verge of death/
死にしにがみ(n) god of death/Death/
しかつ(n) life and-or death/
死にないしにぞこない(n) a person who has escaped death/dotard/
死にしにみず(n) give water to a dying person/water given to a dying person/
しぞう(n,vs) hoarding/storing away/
しじくdead axle/
しごにくらいをおくる(exp) to confer a posthumous rank/
しにん(n) corpse/dead person/(P)/
しきゅう(n) hit a batter by pitching a ball (baseball)/
しひょう(n) useless vote/
死にしにたい(n) losing posture (sumo)/hopeless situation/
しちゅう(n) fatal situation/
しかく(n) blind spot/dead space/
しごこうちょくrigor mortis/
しき(n) time of death/
死にしにばな(n) a blooming cut flower/glorious death/
死にしにばしょ (n) place to die/place of death/
しご(n-adv,n) after death/(P)/
しせい(n) life and death/
死屍しし(n) corpse/
しかいDead Sea/
したい(n) corpse/(P)/
死し て已むししてのちやむto be determined to do or die/
しぼうすう number of death/
しにがみ(n) (god of) death/
死にしにはじ(n) shameful death/
死にしにいそぐ(v5g) to hasten one's death/
死ぬしぬ(v5n) to die/(P)/
しかい(n) as lifeless as cold ashes/
ししゅう(n) putrid smell of a corpse/
死にかるしにかかる(v5r) to be dying/
くすしりょくをつくす (exp) to make frantic efforts/
しかざん (n) extinct volcano/
しべつ(n) bereavement/
したいいきabandon a corpse/