段物 | たんもの | (n) (1) fabric/cloth/textiles/drapery/dry goods/piece
goods/(2) measure of kimono material/ |
丘 | だんきゅう | (n) terrace/bench (in geography)/ |
段 | だん | (n) step/stair/flight of
steps/grade/rank/level/ |
段段 | だんだん | (adv,n)
gradually/by degrees/ |
段違い | だんちがい | (adj-na,n) wide difference/remarkable
difference/ |
段々畠 | だんだんばたけ | (n) terraced
fields/terraced farm/ |
段袋 | だんぶくろ | (n) large cloth sack/baggy trousers/ |
段段畑 | だんだんばたけ | (n) terraced fields/terraced farm/ |
段々 | だんだん | (adv,n) gradually/by degrees/(P)/ |
段落 | だんらく | (n) end/conclusion/paragraph/(P)/ |
段段畠 | だんだんばたけ | (n) terraced fields/terraced farm/ |
段階 | だんかい | (n) gradation/grad/stage/(P)/ |
段平 | だんびら | (n) broadsword/sword/ |
段差 | だんさ | (n) difference in level/ |
段取り | だんどり | (n) programme/plans/arrangements/(P)/ |
段違い平行棒 | だんちがいへいこうぼう
| (n) (gymnastics) uneven parallel
bars/ |
段物 | だんもの | (n) musical (dramatic) piece in several acts/type of
koto solo/lively type of shamisen song/ |
を取る | だんをとる | (exp) to get a black belt/to obtain a degree (in
judo)/ |
段ボール | だんボール | (n)
cardboard/ |
段々畑 | だんだんばたけ | (n) terraced fields/terraced farm/(P)/ |
段別 | たんべつ | (n) (1) acreage/land area/(2) marking off fields in
units of tan/ |
段歩 | たんぶ | (n) unit of land area (approx. one-tenth
hectare)/ |