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Kanji: 殿 Radical: (るまた) : デン、テン; との; palace
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 242 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1792
Japanese Reading English
殿てんじょう(n) the court/palace circles/palace floor/
殿とのさまげい (n) dilettantism/amateurism (in art)/
殿とのさまふう lordly air/
殿どの(pol) person/Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an envelope)/Mr./(P)/
殿てんじょうびと (n) courtier/court official/
殿とのさまそだち brought up in luxury/
殿でんちゅう(n) in the palace/
殿でんどう(n) palace/palatial building/
殿とのさましごとdilettante work/amateur word (in art)/
殿てんじょうのま palace floor/
殿とのさまがえる(n) bullfrog/edible frog/
殿でんか(n) Your Highness/His (Her) Highness/(P)/
殿とのばら(n) the nobility/(polite for) man/
殿でんう(n) shrine building/
殿とのご(n) gentlemen/
殿 との(n) feudal lord/mansion/palace/(P)/
殿でんしゃ(n) palace/
殿でんぐん(n) rear guard/
殿 とのたちthe nobility/(polite for) visitors/
殿とのさま(n) feudal lord/
殿 とのがた(n) gentlemen/men/
殿しんがり(n) rear/rear unit guard/