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Kanji: Radical: (うじ) : ミン; たみ; people
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 25 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3036
Japanese Reading English
みんしゅしゅぎ(n) democracy/(P)/
みんせい(n) people's welfare or livelihood/
みんしゅうえき (n) railway station built with government and popular support/
みんぎょう(n) private enterprise/
みんこく(Republic of) China (i.e. Taiwan)/
みんじてき civil/
宿みんしゅく(n) private home providing lodging for travelers/(P)/
みんか(n) private house/
みんけんしゅぎdemocracy (as propounded by Sun Yat-sen)/
みんしゅうてき (adj-na) popular/
みんけん(n) civil rights/
みんじさいばんcivil trial/
みんようfolk music
みんりょく(n) national manpower/
たみ(n) nation/people/(P)/
みんやくせつ social-contract theory/
民のたみのこえをきく (exp) to listen to the voice of the people/
みんしゅか (n,vs) democratization/democratize/
民譚みんだんしゅうcollection of folk stories/
みんぞくし history of a people/
みんぺい(n) militia(men)/
みんげい(n) folk craft/folk art/(P)/
みんえい(n) private management/
みんかん(adj-no,n) private/civilian/civil/popular/folk/unofficial/(P)/
みんじょう(n) condition (sentiment) of the people/
みんげいひん (n) (article of) folk craft/
みんゆう(n) private ownership/
みんていけんぽう(n) democratic constitution/
みんりpeople's interests/
みんしゅてき (adj-na) democratic/(P)/
みんせいいいんdistrict welfare officer/
みんしゅ(n) democratic/the head of the nation/(P)/
みんぷうnational customs/
みんぞくがく (n) folklore/
みんかんひこうcivil aviation/
みんじゅひん consumer goods/
みんかんじん (n) non-government person/civilian/
みんぞくげいのうfolk entertainment/
みんすうき the Book of Numbers (in the Bible)/
みんぞくぶようfolk dance/
みんしゅせいたい(n) democratic form of government/
みんぞくてき (adj-na) racial/
みんじゅ(n) civilian requirements/
みんえいか (n) privatization/
みんぼう(n) hopes of the people/
みんよう(n) folk song/popular song/(P)/
みんとくnational morality/
みんようfolk dance/