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Kanji: Radical: (きがまえ) : キ、ケ; ; spirit, gas
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2480 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3194
Japanese Reading English
きう(n) breadth of mind/
気がきがよわい(exp) timid/faint of heart/
きばたらき(n) taking appropriate action/tact/
気がかないきがむかないbe not inclined (to do)/
きだて(n) disposition/nature/
気にするきにする(vs,vt) to mind (negative nuance)/to care about/to worry/to pay undue (amount of) attention to (something)/
けだかい(adj) sublime/
気に きにさわる(v5) to hurt one's feelings/to rub someone the wrong way/
きおいたつ (v5t) to rouse oneself/to psyche oneself up/
きまかせ(adj-na,n) doing as one pleases/following one's nose/
気にかるきにかかる(exp) to weigh on one's mind/
きまずい (adj) (uk) unpleasant/awkward/
きしょう(n) weather/climate/(P)/
きぐろう (n) worry/care/anxiety/
きづけ(n) encouragement/bringing around/resuscitation/(in) care of/
気さくきさく(adj-na,n) frank/sociable/good humored/candid/openhearted/ready/willing/
い沙汰きちがいざた(n) madness/
されるけおされる(v1) to be overawed (overpowered)/
きせい(n) fervour/vigour/ardour/spirit/
ききょう(n) pneumothorax/artificial pneumothorax/
きあいまけ (n) being overawed/
ずかしいきはずかしい(adj) embarrassed/feeling ashamed or awkward/
きのりうす (adj-na) unenthusiastic/
きどうしゃ (n) train powered by a diesel or internal combustion engine/
かりきがかり(adj-na,n) anxiety/concern/worry/
きらく(adj-na,n) at ease/comfortable/(P)/
気にきにいり(n) favorite/pet/
きもち(n) feeling/sensation/mood/
まりきづまり(adj-na,n) constraint/(P)/
きだん(n) air mass/
気が きがはる(exp) to strain every nerve/to feel nervous/
気にきにいる(v5r) to be pleased with/to suit/(P)/
気になるきになる(v5,vi) to be on one's mind/to worry one/to feel uneasy/to be anxious/to feel inclined/
きこう(n) (MA) breathing exercise/breath control/spirit cultivation/chi kung/qigong/
きあつはいちpressure pattern/
きぐみ(n) attitude/preparedness/
きはい(n) indication/market trend/worry/
気欝きうつしょう(n) hypochondria/
気はかだきはたしかだbe in one's senses/be sane/
きづけ(n) Care Of (CO)/
けぶり(n) sign/indication/
きかねつ (n) vaporization heat/
きほよう (n) diversion/change of pace/
きみゃく(n) blood vessel/conspiracy/collusion/
気をきをとりなおす (v5) to completely rethink/to pull one's self together/
きかんし (n) bronchial tube/