沸々 | ふつふつ | (adj-na) simmer/bubble out/flow out/ |
沸き出る | わきでる | (v1) to gush forth/ |
沸き起こる | わきおこる | (v5r) to burst/to arise/ |
沸沸 | ふつふつ | (adj-na) simmer/bubble out/flow out/ |
沸騰点 | ふっとうてん
| (n) boiling point/(P)/ |
沸く | わく | (v5k) to boil/to grow hot/to get excited/to gush
forth/(P)/ |
沸き上がる | わきあがる | (v5r) to boil up/to break out/to arise/to seethe/to be
in uproar/ |
沸騰 | ふっとう | (n,vs) boiling/seething/(P)/ |
沸きが早い | わきがはやい | quick to warm up/ |
沸き立つ | わきたつ | (v5t) to boil up/to ferment/to seethe/(P)/ |
沸点 | ふってん | (n) boiling point/(P)/ |
沸き起る | わきおこる | (io) (v5r) to burst/to arise/ |
沸き出す | わきだす | (v5) to cause to gush out/ |
沸き返る | わきかえる | (v5r) to seethe/to boil up/to get excited/to be in
uproar/ |
沸かす | わかす | (v5s,vt) to boil/to
heat/(P)/ |