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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ホウ; ; law
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2535 Index in Halpern dictionary: 333
Japanese Reading English
法螺ほらふき(n) braggart/
ほうあんしんぎdiscussion/debate (on a piece of legislation)/
ほうはく(n) Doctor of Laws/LL.D./
ほうてきしゅだんlegal means/legal methods/legal measures/
法とほうとじせい mood and tense/
ほうりつじむしょ (n) law office/
ほう(n,n-suf) Act (law: the X Act)/(P)/
ほうそく(n) law/rule/(P)/
ほうじんかぶぬしinstitutional stockholder/
法にほうにかなう(exp) to conform to the rules of etiquette/
ほうていとくひょうすう (n) minimum number of votes required to elect a candidate/
ほうごう(n) priest's name or posthumous Buddhist name/
ほうりつじょう (adj-no) legal/
ほうむいいんかい (the) Committee on Judicial Affairs/
ほうしゅ(n) high priest/
ほうれい(n) laws and ordinances/(P)/
法螺ほらがい(n) conch/trumpet shell/
ほうぐritual implements (Budd.)/
ほうていかへいlegal currency/
ほうじん(n) juridical (legal) person/corporate body/corporation/(P)/
ほうなん(n) religious persecution/
ほうがくしゃ jurist/
ほうもう(n) net of the law/justice/
ほうてきこんきょ(n) legal basis/
ほうてきぶんしょlegal document/
ほうりつこういlegal action/
ほうろん(n) doctrinal discussion/jurisprudence/
ほうげん(n) senior priestly rank in Buddhism/
ほうしき(n) rule/rite/
ほうりがく (n) jurisprudence/
ほうていとうそうcarrying conflicts into the courts/
ほうてき(adj-na,n) legality/(P)/
ほうていだいりにん (n) legal representative/
ほうじ(n) Buddhist memorial service/
ほうれい(n) rules concerning application of laws/
ほうてん(n) code of law/body of law/(P)/
ほうせい(n) legislation/laws/
ほうがい(adj-na,n) exorbitant/outrageous/(P)/
ほうむしょう Ministry of Justice/(P)/
はっぴ(n) happi coat/workman's livery coat/happy coat/
にするほうじんそしきにする(vs) to incorporate (a firm)/
法とほうとときmood and tense/
ほっしん(n) Buddhism's highest form of existence/
ほうか(n) law department or law school/
ほうがく(n) law/jurisprudence/(P)/
ほうがくし (n) Bachelor of Laws/
ほうえつ(n) religious exultation/ecstasy/(P)/
ほっけしゅう (n) Hokke sect in Buddhism/
はっと(n) law/ban/prohibition/ordinance/
ほうみょう(n) priest's name or posthumous Buddhist name/