泡沫 | ほうまつ | (n) bubble on surface of
liquid/ephemeral/transient/ |
泡沫候補 | ほうまつこうほ
| fringe candidate/ |
泡を食う | あわをくう | (v5) to be flurried/to be confused/to lose one's
head/(P)/ |
泡立てる | あわだてる | (v1) to beat/to whip/ |
泡立つ | あわだつ | (v5t) to bubble/to foam/to froth/(P)/ |
泡 | あわ | (n) bubble/foam/froth/head on beer/(P)/ |
泡盛 | あわもり | (n) strong Okinawa liquor/ |
泡沫的 | ほうまつてき | transient/passing/fleeting/ephemeral/like a bubble on
liquid/ |
泡銭 | あぶくぜに | (n) easy money/ |
会社 | ほうまつがいしゃ
| short-lived company/ |
泡立て器 | あわだてき
| eggbeater/whisk/ |
泡沫 | うたかた | (rare) (n) bubble on surface of
liquid/ephemeral/transient/ |