洋風 | ようふう | (adj-na,n) western style/(P)/ |
洋館 | ようかん | (n) western-style house/ |
洋食 | ようしょく | (n) Western-style meal/(P)/ |
洋学 | ようがく | (n) Western learning/ |
洋行 | ようこう | (n) overseas travel/(in preliberation China) a store
operated by a foreigner/ |
洋弓 | ようきゅう | (n) Western-style archery/(small) Western-style
bow/ |
洋の東西を問わず | ようのとうざいをとわず | (adv) in all parts of the world/both in the Occident and
the Orient/ |
洋室 | ようしつ | (n) Western-style room/(P)/ |
洋裁 | ようさい | (n) (Western) dressmaking/(P)/ |
洋画 | ようが | (n) Western paintings/(P)/ |
洋風 | ようふう | Western-style |
洋上 | ようじょう | (n) on the sea or ocean/ |
洋種 | ようしゅ | (n) Western or foreign type/ |
洋間 | ようま | (n) Western-style room/(P)/ |
洋犬 | ようけん | (n) foreign (Western) breed of dog/ |
洋服 | ようふく | (n) Western-style clothes/(P)/ |
洋菓子 | ようがし
| (n) Western confectionery/ |
洋品店 | ようひんてん
| (n) shop which handles Western-style apparel
and accessories/ |
洋銀 | ようぎん | (n) German or nickel silver/ |
洋楽 | ようがく | (n) western (non-Japanese) music/ |
洋舞 | ようぶ | (n) Western-style dance/ |
洋洋 | ようよう | (adj-na,n) broad/vast/ |
洋酒 | ようしゅ | (n) Western liquor/(P)/ |
洋書 | ようしょ | (n) Western books/(P)/ |
洋琴 | ようきん | (n) (obs) piano/ |
画家 | ようがか
| artist who produces Western-style
paintings/ |
洋品 | ようひん | (n) Western-style apparel and
accessories/haberdashery/ |
洋綴じ | ようとじ | (n) Western-style
binding/ |
洋語 | ようご | (n) foreign speech/ |
洋洋たる | ようようたる | (adj-t) boundless/vast/ |
洋式 | ようしき | (n) Western style/(P)/ |
洋蘭 | ようらん | orchid of Western origin/ |
洋本 | ようほん | (n) book of Western origin/ |
洋服箪笥 | ようふくだんす | Western clothes cupboard/ |
洋裁師 | ようさいし
| dressmaker/ |
洋紙 | ようし | (n) paper manufactured in the Western
manner/ |
洋梨 | ようなし | (n) (Western)
pear/ |
洋傘 | ようがさ | (n) (Western-style) umbrella/parasol/ |
洋芥子 | ようがらし | mustard/ |
洋服屋 | ようふくや
| tailor's (shop)/dressmaker's
shop/tailor/dressmaker/ |
洋装 | ようそう | (n) Western clothing/Western binding/ |
洋髪 | ようはつ | (n) Western hairdressing/ |
洋紅 | ようこう | (n) carmine/crimson/ |