The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
津津浦浦 | つづうらうら | (n-adv,n) all over the country/throughout the land/every nook and cranny of the land/ |
津々浦々 | つつうらうら | (n-adv,n) all over the country/throughout the land/every nook and cranny of the land/ |
津波 | つなみ | (n) tsunami/tidal wave/(P)/ |
津津浦浦 | つつうらうら | (n-adv,n) all over the country/throughout the land/every nook and cranny of the land/(P)/ |
津津 | しんしん | (adj-na,n) being full/brimfull/ |
津々浦々 | つづうらうら | (n-adv,n) all over the country/throughout the land/every nook and cranny of the land/ |