浪漫主義 | ろうまんしゅぎ | romanticism/ |
浪人 | ろうにん | (n,vs) ronin/lordless samurai/out of work/waiting for
another chance to enter a university/(P)/ |
浪々 | ろうろう | (n) wandering/unemployed/ |
浪曲 | ろうきょく | (n) recitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called
naniwabushi )/ |
浪花節 | なにわぶし
| (n) naniwabushi/a kind of sung narrative
popular during Edo period/ |
浪漫的 | ろまんてき
| romantic (school)/ |
浪漫派 | ろまんは
| (n) romantic school/romanticism/ |
浪漫派 | ろうまんは
| (n) romantic school/romanticism/ |
浪費 | ろうひ | (n) waste/extravagance/(P)/ |
浪人生 | ろうにんせい
| student who failed entrance exam/ |
浪華 | なにわ | Naniwa (former name for Osaka region)/ |
浪浪 | ろうろう | (n) wandering/unemployed/ |
浪花 | なにわ | Naniwa (former name for Osaka region)/ |
浪漫主義 | ろまんしゅぎ | romanticism/ |
浪速 | なにわ | Naniwa (former name for Osaka region)/ |
浪費癖 | ろうひへき
| wasteful habits/ |