浮浪児 | ふろうじ
| (n) juvenile vagrant/waif/ |
浮き出る | うきでる | (v1) to rise to the surface/to stand or break
out/ |
浮かれ男 | うかれおとこ | playboy/ |
浮き足 | うきあし | (n) standing on the balls of the feet/ |
浮き | うき | (n) float (fishing)/buoy/ |
浮彫り | うきぼり | (io) (n) relief/embossed carving/ |
浮ぶ | うかぶ | (io) (v5b) to float/to rise to surface/to come to
mind/ |
浮漂 | ふひょう | (n) floating/ |
浮世絵 | うきよえ
| (n) ukiyoe (color print of everyday life in Edo
period)/(P)/ |
浮気女 | うわきおんな
| bimbo/slut/ |
浮き沈み | うきしずみ | (n) bobbing up and down/rising and falling/ebbing and
flowing/ |
浮かぬ顔 | うかぬかお | long face/look dejected/(P)/ |
浮き立つ | うきたつ | (v5t) to be enlivened/to be exhilarated/ |
浮き荷 | うきに | (n) flotsam/ |
浮き織り | うきおり | (n) brocade/ |
浮き橋 | うきはし | (n) floating bridge/pontoon bridge/ |
浮心 | ふしん | (n) center of buoyancy/ |
浮き身 | うきみ | (n) floating on one's back/ |
浮世 | うきよ | (n) fleeting life/this transient world/sad
world/ |
浮浪者 | ふろうしゃ
| (n) vagrant/(P)/ |
浮き雲 | うきぐも | (n) drifting or floating cloud/ |
浮付く | うわつく | (v5k) (uk) to be fickle/to be restless/to be
flippant/ |
浮き桟橋 | うきさんばし
| floating pier/ |
浮き世 | うきよ | (n) fleeting life/this transient world/sad
world/ |
浮かべる | うかべる | (v1) to float/to
express/to look (sad, glad)/(P)/ |
浮き寝 | うきね | (n) sleeping in a ship/(bird) sleeping on the surface of
the water/restless sleep/ |
浮城 | ふじょう | floating fortress/warship/ |
浮かぶ瀬 | うかぶせ | (n) a chance or opportunity/ |
浮動小数点演算機構 | ふどうしょうすうてんえ
んざんきこう | floating-point arithmetic unit
(computer)/ |
浮く | うく | (v5k) to float/to
become merry/to become loose/(P)/ |
浮動小数点 | ふどうしょうすうてん
| floating point/ |
浮遊物 | ふゆうぶつ
| suspended particles/floating
matter/ |
浮かれる | うかれる | (v1) to make
merry/to be festive/(P)/ |
浮遊 | ふゆう | (n,vs) floating/wandering/suspension/ |
浮き輪 | うきわ | (n) life buoy/float/ |
浮腫 | ふしゅ | (n) swelling/edema/ |
浮袋 | うきぶくろ | (n) swimming belt/swimming float/bladder/life
buoy/ |
浮言 | ふげん | (n) groundless rumor/ |
浮かばれない | うかばれない | turning in one's grave/cannot rest in
peace/ |
浮き草 | うきくさ | (n) a floating weed/duckweed/precarious/ |
浮き腰 | うきごし | (n) wavering/unsteady/ |
浮氷 | ふひょう | (n) ice floe/ |
歩く | うかれあるく | (v5k) to gad around/ |
浮気 | うわき | (adj-na,n)
flighty/fickle/wanton/unfaithful/(P)/ |
子 | うんか | (n) leafhopper/ |
袋 | うきぶくろ | (n) swimming belt/swimming float/bladder/life
buoy/ |
浮き名 | うきな | (n) scandal/love affair/rumor/ |
浮き草稼業 | うきくさかぎょう | precarious trade/ |
浮生 | ふせい | (n) transient life/ |
浮き上がる | うきあがる | (v5r) to float/to rise to the surface/ |