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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ジュウ、シュウ; しぶ(い)、しぶ(る)、しぶ; stagnate, with troubles
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2600 Index in Halpern dictionary: 513
Japanese Reading English
渋いしぶいきもの tasteful dress/
渋柿しぶがき(n) sour and puckery persimmon/
渋いしぶい(adj) (1) tasteful (clothing)/"cool"/an aura of refined masculinity/(2) astringent/sullen/bitter (taste)/(3) grim/quiet/(4) sober/stingy/(P)/
渋いをしているしぶいかおをしている(exp) to be grim-faced/to look sullen/
しぶづら(n) grimace/sullen face/(P)/
じゅうたい(n,vs) congestion (e.g. traffic)/delay/stagnation/(P)/
渋渋 しぶしぶ(adv) reluctantly/unwillingly/
しぶいろ(n) tan (color)/
渋 りしぶりばら(n) bowel pains/painful loose bowels/
しぶ(n) astringent (puckery) juice (of unripe persimmons)/
渋々しぶしぶ(adv) reluctantly/unwillingly/
しぶかわ(n) inner, astringent skin (of a chestnut)/
渋るしぶる(v5r) to hesitate/to be reluctant/to have loose painful bowel movement/(P)/
じゅうめん(n) grimace/sullen face/(P)/
しぶがみ(n) paper treated with astringent persimmon juice/
渋いしぶいさけrough wine/
しぶみ(n) good taste/astringency/refinement/(P)/
しぶぬき(n) removing the astringent taste (from persimmons)/
渋いしぶいいろsober (quiet) color/
しぶつら(n) grimace/sullen face/
しぶちゃ(n) strong or bitter (green) tea/