減衰器 | げんすいき
| attenuator/ |
減量経営 | げんりょうけいえい | streamlined management/ |
減塩 | げんえん | (n) reduction of salt/sodium restriction/ |
減債基金 | げんさいききん | amortization fund/sinking fund/ |
減速 | げんそく | (n,vs) deceleration/(P)/ |
減耗 | げんこう | (n,vs) natural decrease/ |
減収 | げんしゅう | (n) fall/decrease (in income)/ |
減等 | げんとう | (n) demotion/ |
減速材 | げんそくざい
| (n) moderator/ |
減退 | げんたい | (n,vs) decline/ebb/failure/loss/ |
減刑 | げんけい | (n) reduction of penalty/ |
減食 | げんしょく | (n,vs) diet/ |
減数 | げんすう | (n) decreasing in number/type of cell division
(biol)/ |
減段 | げんたん | (n) reduction of acreage (under cultivation)/ |
減反政策 | げんたんせいさく | policy of reducing acreage (under
cultivation)/ |
減衰 | げんすい | (n,vs) attenuation/damping/decay/ |
減号 | げんごう | (n) minus sign/ |
免 | げんめん | (n) reduction and exemption/mitigation and
remission/ |
減速装置 | げんそくそうち | reduction gear/ |
耗 | げんもう | (n,vs) natural decrease/ |
減債 | げんさい | (n) partial payment of a debt/reduction of a
debt/ |
減損 | げんそん | (n) decrease/ |
減算 | げんざん | (n) subtraction/ |
税 | げんぜい | (n) tax reduction/ |
減り張り | めりはり | (n) modulation (of voice)/ |
減価償却 | げんかしょうきゃく | (n) depreciation/ |
減摩 | げんま | (n) reduction in friction/lubrication/ |
減る | へる | (v5r,vi) to decrease (in size or number)/to diminish/to
abate/(P)/ |
減反 | げんたん | (n) reduction (of crop size)/ |
減殺 | げんさい | (n,vs) lessening/diminishing/reducing/ |
減ずる | げんずる | (v5z) to decrease/to reduce/to subtract/ |
減塩食 | げんえんしょく
| (n) a low-salt diet/ |
減少 | げんしょう | (n) decrease/reduction/decline/(P)/ |
減俸 | げんぽう | (n) salary reduction/(P)/ |
減磨 | げんま | (n) reduction in friction/lubrication/ |
減量 | げんりょう | (n) loss in quantity/ |
減圧 | げんあつ | (n,vs) decompression/ |
減らす | へらす | (v5s,vt) to abate/to decrease/to diminish/to
shorten/(P)/ |
減衰率 | げんすいりつ
| (n) attenuation (factor, rate)/ |
減水 | げんすい | (n) subsiding of water/ |
減り | へり | (n) decrease/reduction/fall/ |
減産 | げんさん | (n,vs) reduction in production/ |
減作 | げんさく | (n) poor crop/diminished yield/ |
減給 | げんきゅう | (n,vs) pay cut/ |
ず口 | へらずぐち | (n) impudent talk/ |
減員 | げんいん | (n,vs) reduction of staff/ |
減配 | げんぱい | (n) reduction in a dividend/smaller ration/ |
減額 | げんがく | (n) abatement/ |
価 | げんか | (n) price reduction/depreciation/abatement/ |
減法 | げんぽう | (n) subtraction/(P)/ |