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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : トウ; ; hot water
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2633 Index in Halpern dictionary: 612
Japanese Reading English
ゆぶね(n) bathtub/
とうじば (n) health resort/
湯垢ゆあか(n) scale/fur/
ゆせん(n) fee for public bath/
ゆみず(n) hot and cold water/abundance/
湯呑みゆのみ(n) teacup/
とうじ(n) hot-spring cure/taking the baths/(P)/
ゆだま(n) bubbles in boiling water/
がりゆあがり(adj-no,n) after (taking) a bath/(P)/
湯にかるゆにつかる(exp) to have a dip in the bath tub/
ゆな(n) women who assist bathers at hot-springs resorts/
ゆかげん (n) water temperature/
ゆどうふ (n) boiled tofu/
ゆげ(n) steam/vapour/(P)/
湯熨をかけるゆのしをかける (v1) to iron with a wet cloth/to smooth by steaming and ironing/
(n) hot water/(P)/
湯煎ゆせん(n) warming something by immersion in hot water/
ゆわかし(n) teakettle/(P)/
ゆびく(v5k) to parboil/to scald/
ゆば(n) sheet of dried tofu/
湯桶ゆとうよみ(n) mixed kun-on reading (cf. juubakoyomi)/
ゆぐち(n) hot-water tap/hot spring/
かしゆわかしき (n) water-heater/water-boiler/(P)/
湯熨ゆのし(n) steam ironing/
かしゆわかし(n) teakettle/
湯灌 ゆかんwashing a corpse for burial/
ゆづかれ(n) weariness caused by prolonged hot bath/
ゆぶね(n) bathtub/
ゆざめ(n) feeling chilly after taking a bath/
ゆあみ(n,vs) (taking a) bath/hot spring cure/
ゆや(n) public bathhouse/
湯掻くゆがく(v5k) to parboil/to scald/
ゆあたり(n) dizziness caused by prolonged hot bath/
湯湯ゆたんぽ(n) hot-water bottle/
ゆまき(n) loincloth/
ゆどおし(n) moisten with steam/
ゆもと(n) source of a hot spring/(P)/
湯のゆのはな(n) hot-springs mineral deposits (resembling flowers)/
ましゆざまし(n) boiled water which has cooled/
ゆばな(n) hot-springs mineral deposits (resembling flowers)/
ゆのみ(n) teacup/(P)/
ゆけむり(n) steam/
湯ぶね ゆぶね(n) bathtub/
ゆもじ (n) loincloth/
殿ゆどの(n) bathroom/(P)/