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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : マン; み(ちる)、み(たす)、み(つ); fullness
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2636 Index in Halpern dictionary: 607
Japanese Reading English
まんかんしょく (n) dressed up/decked out/
まんねんれい (n) age/
満ちみちしお(n) flow/
まんかん(n) ebb and flow/
満蒙まんもうManchuria and Mongolia/
まんせき(n) sold out/fully occupied/(P)/
まんしつ(n) No Vacancy/
ホームランまんるいホームラン(n) grand slam (baseball)/
満ちりるみちたりる(v1) to be content/to have enough/to be happy/to be sufficient/to be satisfied/
満満まんまん(adj-na,adv,n) full of/brimming with/
まんてんか (n) all over the world/
まんてん(n) perfect score/(P)/
まんりょう(n) expiration/termination/(P)/
まんぞく(adj-na,n,vs) satisfaction/(P)/
まんめん(n-adv,n-t) (the) whole face/(P)/
まんぞくがいく (exp) to be satisfied/
まんいん(n) full house/no vacancy/sold out/standing room only/full (of people)/crowded/(P)/
満腔 まんこう(n) heartfelt/sincere/
まんざら(adv) (not) altogether/(not) wholly/(P)/
まんぷく(n) full/
まんべんなく (adv) equally/thoroughly/all over/uniformly/without exception/all around/
まんざ(n) the whole assembly/the full house/whole group/everyone/
まんるい(n) bases loaded (baseball)/(P)/
まんちょう(n) high tide/high water/full tide/(P)/
まんしゅうじへん(n) the Manchurian Incident/
まんどう(n) the whole audience/
満ちるみちる(v1) to be full/to rise (tide)/to mature/to expire/(P)/
まんざん(n) the whole mountain/all the mountains/
満たすみたす(v5s) to satisfy/to ingratiate/to fill/to fulfill/(P)/
まんげつ(n) full moon/(P)/
まんかい(n) full bloom/
まんじょう(n-adv,n-t) unanimous/whole audience/(P)/
なくまんべんなく(adv) equally/thoroughly/all over/uniformly/without exception/all around/
満々まんまん(adj-na,adv,n) full of/brimming with/
まんかぶ(n) full subscription (of shares)/
まんしゅうprewar Japanese name for Manchuria/
満タンまんタン(n) full tank/filling up the tank/
ではないまんざらゆめで はないnot altogether a dream/
満ちみちかけ(n) waxing and waning (of the moon)/
まんぱい(n) full/
まんてん(n) the whole sky/
みちひきebb and flow/
まんぴょう(n) unanimously/
満 洲まんしゅうManchuria/
まんがん(n) fulfilment of a vow/
まんき(n) expiration (of a term)/maturity (e.g. investment)/
まんいちねん one full year/
まんきつ(n,vs) have enough of/fully enjoy/(P)/
満ちみちひ(n) ebb and flow/
でもないまんざらでもないnot as dissatisfied (or annoyed) as (s)he would have us believe/